Cyndi Lynn Sheridan
Español 3 – Srta. G
El 28 de Septiembre
are the lyrics that correspond to our song:
Verse 1: (Cyndi)
Yo soy de los momentos
yo creo.
Los suspiros yo
Y el amor yo comparto.
Yo soy de las
tradiciones yo hablo,
Y el salvador yo busco.
Yo soy del pizza de
Esto llena todos los
viernes con estomago deleite.
La cuidad de amor fraternal,
Una lugar única y original.
Grandes esperanzas pero sueños rotos.
Todos carreteras ignotos.
Yo llamo a este casa.
Verse 2: (Catherine)
Yo soy de manos este hablan,
Y los ojos este oyen.
Yo soy de los fuegos este susurran,
Con las personas este escuchan.
Casa es donde el corázon esta.
La cuidad de amor fraternal,
Una lugar ´¨nica y original.
Grandes esperanzas pero sueños rotos.
Todos carreteras ignotos.
Yo llamo a este casa.
Verse 3: (Catherine)
Y yo que nunca se puede dejar,
Este es yo y soy vivida!
Todos mis obstáculos yo se aparejar.
Verse 4: (Cyndi)
Yo soy de los brazos de un ángel.
Soy de a los viages yo tomo y
Yo soy de el corazón de acero.
Reflección de Cyndi Lynn:
This song is a reflection of who we are both intellectually and where we come from physically.What did you learn?
this project, I learned a lot of new vocabulary as well as the deeper meaning
to where I came from. I am surprised at how well our song fit into the rhythm
of an actual song. In addition, I feel as though this taught me how to
communicate better with my best friend in another language.
What are you especially proud of?
I am
really proud of our final product and the effort we put into this song.
Catherine and I strived to make a song that holds something special about each
of us. The best part of our song would probably be the refrán because we were
able to just have fun and act silly.
What would you change if you could do
it over again?
If I could do this project over again I would make a video that relates to our song because it would be more interesting for the audience. Overall, the song we created was actually pretty decent.
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