Curfew Lobbying Blog Post #2

    There are various council members here in Philadelphia, ten to be exact for the ten different districts. Those who represents my lobbying topic would be those who’s on the Rules Committee.  The chair of this committee is Anna C. Vera, the vice chair is James F. Kenny and there are seven members who consist of Darrell L. Clarke, Frank DiCicco, W. Wilson Goode, Jr., William K. Greenlee, Donna Reed Miller, Blondell Reynolds Brown and Frank Rizzo Jr.  I’m sure I wouldn’t need to talk to all of these people so I would first start with Anna C. Vera because she seems to have the most experience on this committiee.  In 2008 she was beginning her THIRD FULL term as council president which shows she must be really good at her job. Anna represents the 2nd district and her community interest is more so with housing. Because she seems to only oversee the Rules Committee more so than actual perform the same jobs as the council members, more than likely, I would be redirected to a council member who could represent me and my lobbying ideas.

Anna C. Verna Biography

City of Philadelphia Rules Committie

Map of Philadelphia District Neighborhoods 

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