Damilola Akinboro Capstone - Celebrating Nigerian Culture Documentary

My capstone project is a 15-minute documentary about some insight into Nigerian culture and traditions. It doesn’t cover every single aspect, but I tried to include as much as I could within the time frame. The process of this documentary started with planning what the running theme would be, who I should interview, and then the materials needed and where I would go. I also had to keep in mind of the scheduling. Then after filming each interview (which did not happen all at once) I had to begin editing which took weeks to finish. This was not easy, but I was eager to get it done since I’m very passionate about Nigerian culture and video/film production. This video focuses on Nigerian clothing, perspectives, food, and music.

Annotative Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YHfAtxqm3XZ8Dq—VKyXXI2eFihvGo9NEHBan_987Vo/edit?usp=sharing
