Dark Skinned v. Light Skinned

Nate had a chip on his shoulder that was big enough to feed Cambodia. The things is, he never could fit into light skinned girls quotas. His sneakers never fit and his knees needed a lot of lotion. All this before he even knew the significance of a comb. His immigrant parent made him feel as though he was a step kid. His dark skinned didn't allow him to fit in with the light skins. The way he saw it, the lighter their skin, they better that they're life was. So he did what any kid in position would do, he resented them as they resented him. When he happened to find a light skin girl that was interested in him, he cheated on her. Her name was Chantel. Nate was just 17 at the time. He'd figure that he should hurt he because she would evidently hurt him along with all the other women with light skinned features. Never would he let a light skinned girl hurt him. That whys he stroked first because the first cut is deep. 
