David Williams Capstone

My Capstone is a video documentary of the SLA Baseball team. I have incorporated both ground and aerial shots of games, and I conducted thorough interviews of the captains This shows their goals and achievements throughout the season, both as individuals and as a team. It captures all aspects of the sport. Inquiry was be the interviews, I did research on the sport of baseball, I collaborated with the baseball team and coaches, and I hosted interviews where I asked the captains to reflect on their season. This project shows the value of SLA sports and communities, and it shows what it means to be part of a team. By doing this, I have learned more about sports communities as a whole, and better filming and editing techniques. This project has enabled me to put my digvid skills to good use. This project worked for me, because I am a CTE student and it really shows the skills I have gained in CTE as a student.

My Capstone is a video documentary of the SLA Baseball team. I have incorporated both ground and aerial shots of games, and I conducted thorough interviews of the captains This shows their goals and achievements throughout the season, both as individuals and as a team. It captures all aspects of the sport. Inquiry was be the interviews, I did research on the sport of baseball, I collaborated with the baseball team and coaches, and I hosted interviews where I asked the captains to reflect on their season. This project shows the value of SLA sports and communities, and it shows what it means to be part of a team. By doing this, I have learned more about sports communities as a whole, and better filming and editing techniques. This project has enabled me to put my digvid skills to good use. This project worked for me, because I am a CTE student and it really shows the skills I have gained in CTE as a student.

“Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association, Inc.” Baseball , www.piaa.org/sports/baseball/. This website greatly helped me make my timeline. I did not know what to put on my timeline, because, I needed the SLA baseball team schedule to properly make the timeline. This is because I am filming all of their games and practices. The site had the full schedule on it and more helpful information about the league. It is important to have a source like this, because it will constantly be updated, providing me with fresh and useful information that I can use to make a good capstone. I am confident that this source is accurate and legit, as it is the official high school league website for al sports. NFHS, “2018 NFHS Baseball Major Rules Changes”, http://www.piaa.org/assets/web/documents/2018_Baseball_Major_Rules_Changes_With_Rationale. FINAL(1).pdf This source was crucial to my knowledge of the league. It had very important rule change information. It showed me what this years major changes to the rules would include. These rules included new baseball material regulations, bat attachment regulations, and a very interesting rule about first base sliding and run-overs. This source will greatly help me better understand the games while I am filming them. This will lead to better video quality and more dynamic camerawork. I am excited to use this information in my capstone and I feel like it will help me be more successful. NFHS, “Preseason Bulletin” http://www.piaa.org/assets/web/documents/2018%20Baseball%20Preseason%20Bulletin(1).pdf This source was very similar to the previous one, but it was much more in depth than the previous source. It had information on all the new big rules and all the new small rules. It had important information about the player behavior and the coach behavior. It talked about how players on opposite teams should interact with each other. This is all very helpful to me for my capstone. Now I know what to expect during games and I know what aspects of the game to look out for. This is a very important capstone source for me. MLB, “2017 Official rules”, http://mlb.mlb.com/documents/0/4/0/224919040/2017_Official_Baseball_Rules_dbt69t59.pdf This source was very important to my compare and contrast aspect. At some point in my capstone, I will be comparing and contrasting the high school league baseball rules to the professional baseball league rules. I feel like this will greatly help me capture the unique aspects of high school baseball, ultimately boosting the quality of my capstone project as a whole. This simple source has made me more confident in turning a great capstone with many creative elements. I am very confident in myself that I will use this source well and that it will add something truly valuable to my capstone. Whistle Sports, “World of Baseball”, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hw4uEOb_USQ This video was very intriguing to me. It really captures the excitement in baseball. It was very energetic and crisp. This was posted by a verified page on youtube, so I feel confident that it is very creditable as a source. Even though it was short, running at only 6 minutes, I feel like it really captures all of the important aspects of baseball as a whole. I think this would be a good role model for some parts of my capstone video documentary senior project. At first, I was hesitant to use a video source, but this video proved me wrong. Scully, Gerald W. “P.” Pay and Performance in Major League Baseball, www.bing.com/cr?IG=246A9D6A83D84672A1BDA2B62F6C0742&CID=14E0239110B163E2162B2 812111E6258&rd=1&h=fMDMvTi4qf9F_pIUhSLpcV8w5_ulbYM2as89sDqGjO4&v=1&r=http%3a%2f %2fwww.jstor.org%2fstable%2f1815242&p=DevEx,5050.1. Unfortunately, I was not able to view the full document. However, I was able to find a website with a portion of this writing available for free. I am very grateful to have stumbled across this helpful document. The excerpt that I read contained very helpful information about the pay and performance of baseball players, hence the title, “Pay and performance in Major League baseball”. The viewpoints in this writing were both unique and intriguing to me and I am happy to use this as a source in my documentary project. MaxPreps, “Science Leadership Academy Baseball” http://www.maxpreps.com/high-schools/science-leadership-academy-(philadelphia,pa)/baseball/hom e.htm This source will possibly be the most valuable one I have. At first glance, it doesn’t seem like much, but it actually contains some extremely useful information about the SLA baseball team. It contains all of their records from previous seasons played. This is going to be great in my documentary for comparing and contrasting the team’s performance between previous seasons and this current season. I believe it will also be updated during this season to show their current win/loss ratio and other stats. I am excited to use this source in my documentary. PIAA, “Preseason Bulletin 2017” http://www.piaa.org/assets/web/documents/2017%20Baseball%20Bulletin%20V.pdf This source is similar to another one on this document. That source is the 2018 season bulletin. I figured that having both of them will help me compare and contrast the different rules and regulations of the 2 different seasons. This will help me when I compare and contrast team performance, because it is important to know the conditions and rules of each game and each season when comparing 2 things so that the information gained will be very accurate and fully reflect their progress as a team unbiased. I look forward to further advancing my capstone with this link. Major League BAseball Productions, “The official history of baseball” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMZzsV3xi8Q This link is another baseball documentary. However, this one is more focused on the history of the sport. It is significantly longer than the first one used, with a runtime of about an hour and ten minutes. This source will go well in my introduction. I can model my introduction with some historical facts about baseball and I feel like this will give some strength to my documentary as a whole. Even though though this is about the history of a different league, I feel confident that I will find a way to incorporate these facts smoothly into my capstone baseball video documentary project for my 2017-2018 senior year. “Baseball - the Basics.” BBC Sport, BBC, 26 Oct. 2005, news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/other_sports/baseball/3562135.stm. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/other_sports/baseball/3562135.stm This is my final source. It is one of the keys to my castones success. This source is all about the basics of the sport of baseball. It talks about the flow of the game, the positions, how the game works, etc. This will help people who don’t understand the sport of baseball very well better enjoy my documentary. I feel like this great source is crucial to include facts from in my video project for science leadership academy. If people can’t understand the sport, then how will they understand my documentary? Exactly, they won’t. That’s why I must include a basics section for the game in my documentary capstone project.
