Descriptive Essay: The heart has no color

   I ALWAYS saw this everywhere, interracial relationships. Whether it be white/asian, spanish/black, and more common mixes. I usually don't see a caucasian male with a female that is another race. I don’t know why but it always seemed really cute in the movies. Picture perfect, and anyone who feasted their eyes on the movies would say so too. As I got older, my mind opened up more and I fell in love with my bestfriend who is now currently my boyfriend and I guess its not like the movies, because we get different reactions... As a child, the only interracial relationship that seemed possible was a black/hispanic mix. But it was more common to be in a relationship with your own race, or else it didn’t look right (from my 3rd grade mind). I didn’t know who I would choose though. An African-American? Or a Puertorican? I’m half and half so I just settled it. I was going to wait all my life to find someone who was black/puertorican so I can marry and be happy. I’ll admit, I was proud of who I am and what I liked, but I didn’t like white people. Everywhere I went with my mom, a white employee was always rude to her and due to my adolescent ignorance I just connected those experiences to the WHOLE race. From pre-school to 5th grade I was pretty much this way until I hit middle school.

   I went to A.M.Y (Alternative middle years) 5 for middle school. I went to the meeting in the summer to get my summer reading assignments. Everything looked pretty good and the only white kids that I saw were maybe five? There were white teachers, but I was used to seeing them, so I felt pretty good. After I started my first year, thats when I saw it.         Mixed in with everyone else was a bunch of white people! I get anxious and nervous around people and cramped spaces (which A.M.Y was. Way too cramped). There were so many and I couldn’t believe it so I prepared for the worst. Now, after some time passed I came to the conclusion that I hated this school and so did all of my friends. But I thank this school, because some of my friends were white, asian, arab and more! This school showed me that just because some people decided to be idiots doesn’t mean theyre connected to the entire race. When I graduated, I ended up with all types of friends. I remember one time I was sitting in Amy’s library with one of my good friends Miranda. It was a nice day, but rare. I didn’t get to see her much because she was always in the hospital, so when I do get to see her I’m pretty happy. She was white. She hung out with this group of white girls that I guess didn’t like me that much because her friend Melissa said “Why are you hanging out with black people?” and Miranda replied “Why AREN’T you hanging out with black people?”. And when I heard that I felt a twinge of happiness; she didn’t care what skin color I was. And no one else should either. But I had one BEST friend and his name was Scott Sicilia, and he was different .

   After starting my school at Science Leadership Academy, the school year was all tense and I had a five minute breakdown over benchmarks (You see, I wasn’t used to so much work being bombarded on me so I broke down, cried and all). So, seeing some old friends eased my mood. I went to the mall and I saw Scott again. He ran to hug me and honestly, it was the best feeling ever. I’m not going to bore you with the whole love story thing but basically, we went to the movies as friends, and left as boyfriend and girlfriend. As we held hands to walk, people were already glancing, maybe more than three times and my eyes started to jet everywhere on my body. Was my hair okay? Is there something on my shirt? No, there was nothing wrong with me. So why were they glancing? Soon, I would come to a conclusion that it’s the guy I’m with, because I will be experiencing a lot of these glances.

   I always saw a African American male with a Caucasian female and that was okay! I’m fond and thankful for interracial relationships or I wouldn’t be here. Around where I live, a caucasian male and a hispanic female or an african american female OR in my case, both, is not common. You never see it. So I could understand why some people glance again and again. And most of the times I’m proud because I like who I’m with. He’s not perfect but he’s awesome and no one else should really have anything to say. It’s when they DO have something to say, that it kills my mood but makes my beliefs stronger.

   The first time I ever really felt angry and almost lost it was when a group of guys walked by and yelled out loud “What’s he doing here?” or “Yo he belongs in Kensington”. I would have thought that even today, some people would be more mature. One time I was with him at a bus stop and some guy came up in a car and said “I SEE YOU WHITE BOY” and his friend started laughing, I guess they saw the sharp and agonizing look in my eyes because they turned away and drove off. My boyfriend can defend himself very well but I won’t just let someone try to downgrade him. At other times, drivers stare as they drive by or flip us the finger. Occsionally we get “You guys are so cute” or “You guys are dating? That’s so nice!”. And it makes me feel good that we have some people who are accepting. I don’t care what other people think, but when you mess with me and my boyfriend there is obviously going to be a problem. No one should care who I hang around with and who hangs out with me.. It’s 2012 and people need to recognize that we aren’t in the old days anymore. I can be with whoever I want to be and go anywhere I want to go. There aren’t any Jim Crow laws, there isn’t any segregaion, we have a mixed president! So why is it a problem that my boyfriend and I are together? There are just some things in this world that I can never understand, I just remind myself that everytime we hold hands in public, it’s making a difference.
