Descriptive Essay ; The Damaged Picture

       Honesty plays many roles in life, therefore it is always good to be honest and not lie because you would be in the wrong position and have guilt in life. When you’re honest too someone you let out more relief. When you keep something from someone and they end up finding out it will be worse. Such as lets say if you were in an relationship and you hid something and lied about it and they find out afterwards it might lead to a break up, but if you’re honest they would be mad but at least they know they can trust you not too lie again.

        Such as in my scene 2 we weren’t honest about the situation nor did my grandfather found out “As we put it together we immediately hung it back on the wall. Leaving no appearance of damage we left it as if nothing had happened.” Even though sometimes you want to lie and not be honest because you don’t want to face the consequences you’re going to end having too anyways.

     My mother had this picture that might have been the only picture she had of her childhood. In the picture it shows her as a young girl with dark blondish hair cut short with a light dress, and a background of nature behind her. It was like a paper picture type connected to and old light wooden piece with damps of dark wood printed on certain spots. 

       One day my brother and I were playing with water and throwing it at each other, the picture was placed on the table because the nail it was placed on wasn’t stable. We had forgot that the picture was placed there, so as we were throwing water around not remembering by accident a whole cup of water had spilled on the picture. As my brother and I took a quick glance at the picture I saw as the water started to make the left corner of the picture to tear off. I had gotten so scared because the picture had meant a lot too my mom, a gift from her grandmother before she had died. My brother and I had gotten so scared we quickly hid the picture, my mom had gotten home looking for the picture me and my brother had gotten so frightened. But I knew I would have too face the consequences afterwards if she found it so I came and told her by accident a cup of water spilled on it so I had put it away so that way it can dry up.

So I had brought the picture out and gave it to her as she quickly tried to fix it. I knew that if I didn’t tell her she would be really upset, and when I told her I felt so relieved. I didn’t have to face the consequences if she had found it. By the look of her face I can see the redness appeal coming out, but as it started too fade she just gave me and my brother a glance nodding her head and quickly drying the picture up and putting it away. As she talking walking away “ Yous are lucky you told me this now or not you guys would’ve been punished for trying to hide it”. I quickly inhaled a breathe, thinking in my head “WHEW”, I had felt relieved, as my brother looked at me with a scared suspicious look on his face immediately walking away from the table.

            As my mom came back she had looked upset because there was nothing she could’ve really had done because we had already fixed the situation. She sat and starting talking to me about how much that picture meant too her, as I started too tell her it was an accident and what had happened my brother came rushing in the conversation telling his part. I quickly interrupted him because I wasn’t to honest too my mom about the situation, she just said what is done is done. My brother and I just walked away as i pushed him up the steps before he had made the situation worse then it was.



