"Do not change yourself for no one"

Jack: Hey Steven.
        Yeah. What chu want
         Chu? Oh wow I didn’t think that you had that type of words in you speaking.
Me: I think the word that you are looking for is vocabulary. Say it with me vocabulary.
       See there u go again trying to change people for the better.
Me: Yeah whatever.
       Ha so u do have ghetto words in your, how do u say it vocabulary.
       See u can do it. You might just get that B u wanted.
Jack:  Man I’m just messing with u so wassup with you?

It was the 7th grade when I was just moving back to my old city form Santiago to Philadelphia. My old friends were at the same house as 3 years ago, nothing had changed, well, except for my language, according to my friends. My friend, Jack, was a major annoyance back then. When ever I say something correct or proper, he was there to ridicule me, although its safe to say he has my back. If i need ridiculing for speaking proper english he will always be there. I mean thats what my teachers say. They also say that speaking proper is the first step to becoming a better human being and  getting jobs, but if I lose all my friends I don’t really see the point in it. I mean some boys had some beef with me long before I came back after 3 years. They wouldn’t dear come near me because of my cousin Allen or more commonly known as baby allen or BA. My favorite cousin and not because of the obvious reasons. He also had my back when I was in 6th grade even though we were separated by miles, but I knew that it wouldn’t last forever because he would be moving in with his father eventually. It was very difficult when he was not there I lost 10 friends every time that he wasn't there and it seemed to get bigger and bigger. The reason why I kept losing more friends because they were just trying to get close to him by saying that they would have my back. I knew what they were trying to do and they had known for a long time that I had known what they were trying to do. For some odd reason my cousin couldn’t figure out what they were doing. One of the reasons that I needed some friends that needed to have my back because I had never been in a fight back at the old school. Probably because I was not trying to fight anyone. Mostly everybody that was there was scared of the speculations of african american people, but when they found out the type of person I was back then they saw that I was just like them. Friendly, curious, ready to learn, and ready to make friends, but like all schools there is always the delinquent or the school bully. He on the other hand was not the easiest person to get along with. Apparently one of his family members was killed by an african american person and he was with his family member when it happened. He was traumatized by that horrible tragedy and was never the same. His mom and dad took him to get help but it never helped because apparently he didn’t care he want revenge for him family member. So when he met me he had his speculations. He started accusing my brother and father of seeing the shooting when he had never even met them. So just ignored him. Eventually we moved and he was forgotten.

After the 7th grade I was there for one more year. Although I had been in a few fights and learned to look back when u put a middle finger up at some fat jerk because he wants you for speaking proper English and not slang that goes to you school. He was an ugly life lesson though. After that I was never alone when walking form school but no really messed with me because I was getting better with people and learning to be a bigger person. Maybe because the teacher was going to suspend me even though I didn’t really understand what that was.  So i adjusted to my surroundings and became a bigger person I changed my voice so that no one could ridicule me. I started to change everyday in front of my friends family and teachers. My parents knew that I was being teased in school and had one of those talks with me. They were telling me that if you friends don’t like u and you proper speaking for themselves. Then as my mom would say bunk them. So I did. I ignored all of the haters that were always talking some smack to me. 2 years later and I am in one to the best private high schools. SLA . In this school  I seen that there wasn’t any ridiculing because everybody was very accepting of everybody. There was no diversity because we accepted everybody. Even when I was a freshmen and there were the upperclassmen they weren’t mean and even accepted me into there group. Form being teased beyond belief to being accepted and having true friends that don't just use you because your family can help them with some dumb task that they can’t do without your family. Well my mom was right if you keep fighting you will come out on top. but I’m not surprised that I’ve come out on top because.    
