Citizen Interviewing
Me: Im Steven Webb and I would like to interview you for a school project that my history teacher assigned us.
Thompson: Okay what is it about.
Me: Basically it is an interview on people voting and its just a few questions.
Thompson: Do you mind if I look at them before hand?
Me: Sure
Thompson: Alright I don't mine answering them.
Me: Alright, what motivated you to come out and vote?
Thompson : To be honest I only started to vote when Obama ran for president
Me: What would you like to see changed in out political system?
Thompson :Well it doesn't really matter to me although everything seems to be in great shape so I wouldn't change anything.
Me: Do you vote in every election?
Thompson: Well as I was saying earlier I only voted when Obama was in office but I will most likely start doing it more.
Me: Do you know why we vote on Tuesday?
Thompson: No
Me: Where have you encounter the highest amount of ad campaigning?
Thompson: I have seen a lot on the tv.
Me: What was the most memorable campaign ad that you have encountered?
Thompson: Obamas
Me: Are you always sure of who you are going to vote for when you walk into the booth or are you still deliberating?
Thompson: Year for now
Me: What changes do you hope to see in Philadelphia as a result of this election.
Thompson: I want the violence to be taken down but that isn't going to happen.
Me: What impact do you feel you vote will have on this election.
Thompson: I want to hope that it has a huge effect but I know that it really wont have a huge effect.
Me: Did you learn about voting in school?
Thompson: I may have but I didn't really care.
Me: Thank you for you time thats all of the questions that I have.