Donesha Lee Q1 Advanced Art

Throughout this quarter I have mostly stuck to the medium of drawing with standard paper and pencil. I have always preferred this medium, due to the easy clean up and accurate design. 

The first assignment was a step in a different direction. Creating a ceiling tile with my partner was interesting. We worked efficiently throughout the task of constructing Timmy Turner. Although, I’m not a big fan of paint, the artwork still came out flawlessly. The character was chosen based on our love for the show. He was just another symbol on our ceiling for the remembrance of our childhood. 

Another assignment I created was my final piece, the “College”. It was an older picture I had taken of myself in my freshman year. At the time I used to play around with Iphoto. Just like then, I was feeling overwhelmed and distant. Thus, the reason for the picture editing to have been done. The drawing was a representation of how I had felt the exact same way once again. It was another way to reflect my emotions through a different medium. 

Overall, the beginning course of this class has been great. I look forward to learning more mediums, a little more history, and creating something new.
