Down With Big Brother

Grace, Mariely, Joseph, Nay, Lesly

Annotated Bibliographies Mariely: Charles, Ron. “Why Orwell’s ‘1984’ Matters so Much Now.” The Washington Post, WP Company, 25 Jan. 2017, Links to an external site.

Joseph: Packer, George. “The Unheeded Message of ‘1984’.” The Atlantic. Atlantic Media Company, May 23, 2022. Links to an external site.

Grace: Elizabeth Goitein. “How the FBI Violated the Privacy Rights of Tens of Thousands of Americans.” Brennan Center for Justice, 2020,

Bookie (1)

Comments (14)

Nyasia King (Student 2023)
Nyasia King

The way everyone got a turn to speak and actually spoke a lot was great, felt and sounded professional and the way and the real life connections made it feel more personal

Daniel Medlock (Student 2023)
Daniel Medlock

I like how you guys took your time so nothing felt rushed and everyone got ample time to speak. Everyone's thoughts were really interesting and the lens you chose really added a lot.

Jason Bircaj (Student 2023)
Jason Bircaj

Good Job on the podcast! You brought the lenses into the podcast wonderfully and it was a very informative conversation. Good job explaining the content of the book in the podcast!

Frances Gavin (Student 2023)
Frances Gavin

I liked how everyone was given a voice in the podcast, and I felt like I was given sufficient information about the book to be able to understand what you all were talking about.

Aghiles Hosni (Student 2023)
Aghiles Hosni

The podcast felt very professional and i love how you guys were able to share the microphone so everybody was able to talk. You guys did great connecting the book to the real life so that listeners could get a better view.

Patrick Baker-Evens (Student 2023)
Patrick Baker-Evens

I liked the informal conversation vibe and how everybody contributed to the conversation. Even though I’ve never been able to finish the book (I find it extremely boring) You managed to make the story seem more interesting.