E1 U1-kishara, kennedy, Daeja, Kyle
Intro #4
In this video another character from the gunio asks for the time. Go back to the time unit. ¿Que hora son, mi corazon?
Intro #3
In this one child sneezes then the rest of the characters discusses the weather. ¿Que hora hace? in espanol. To explain how could it is around Christmas time.
Intro #2
In this video it talks about the date/days of the week, but one child doesn’t know what date it is. We marked the calendar to show what day it is. We included the Días de la semana song.
Intro #1
In part one of four there is a Christmas Celebration. We include how to use the dates for this gunio. Or in similar words the Messes/Fechas/Cumpleasños.
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