I believe “Without Education you’re not going anywhere in this world” a quote stated by Malcolm X. When I was a child and even still now as a young lady I learned that education was the key to success. My father told me that I could be anything I wanted to be if I stayed in school and put my mind to it. In school I would be educated in history, math,science, and english and at home I would learn about my culture, learn about how to be a lady and how to carry myself. I believe we were put on this earth to learn and not just in school but outside of school too,because education does not stop at the limits of a text book. Education is a never ending rainbow of things to be learned and mastered.Even after you mastered it, it doesn't mean that there isn’t another part of it you didn’t know about because that’s how education works. In this world today we are not going very far because people have turned to nothing but quotes from friends instead of looking things up and researching and talking to people who know about the subject. We have stop educating ourselves. We have stopped asking questions and let someone else answer for us , a person who knows nothing. We have become lazy and that is when progression stops because learning has become a backseat to opinions.Education is important to you and society and we let that slowly slip away because education is no longer more important than instagram likes and no longer more important than how many retweets you get. I believe that education needs to once again take a million steps forward because without it we are a sinking society. I don’t think one day that everyone will be education but I do believe it takes one step at a time and one person needs to start learning and than teaching other people to learn and ask questions and it will start a ripple effect. The word education is slowly drifting down a river of lost definitions because we forgot how to define and while some people are very good at defining it, it just isn’t enough. It isn’t enough people to educating themselves and not enough people stepping up to the plate to teach others because we have become so reliant on everyone else that our brains no longer have to think their becoming rusting machines and the only oil that can help them is a book. The only only that can help us an ignorant society is the willingness to break boundaries and go outside of ourselves to learn new things. We have become so into not learning and if we do than just learning about ourselves that we have forgotten that their is a world out there we don’t know about. I believe that Education has to come back to being the linebacker because all we have are towel boys or girls . Without Education the world is nothing, we are nothing, you are nothing, I am nothing because learning is the key to surviving.
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