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Missing her
Advanced Essay #4:The Set Up
The Set Up
We say we want to help the children, educate them, give them experiences, and help them live out their dreams but it seems that this saying pertains to some children and not all. We give suburban children a better education. We give them more opportunities, we provide them with a clean school with the best teachers around and give them activities after school to occupy their time and don’t give the same to the children in public schools that are in impoverished neighborhoods. We then ask why one set of children are exceeding while the other set barely even touches approaching expectations. Wealthy people love to send their kids to private and suburban schools because of the quality of the education that they get. Also,because the parents are comfortable with the feeling that nothing will happen to their kid due to the low rate of violence in a suburban school than a public school in the hood but why don’t the parents in the impoverished neighborhoods deserve that same type of comfort? Children aren’t made to be violent, they are taught to be, and what better place to be taught then the school system.
Malcolm X once said “Education is the passport to the future,for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.” The children in suburban schools have the opportunities, the teachers,the tutors, the activities, and the money to prepare for their bright futures. From birth they are told that they are worth something and their schools resemble this. Children in the hood, in predominately black neighborhoods are not taught that they are worth just as much as the suburban kid in school and you see this because the tools they should of been given to prepare for tomorrow are lacking or not there at all.These kids have been stripped of oppurtunities and given nothing to occupy their time. They have no knowledge to use or a trombone practice to go to because their schools can’t afford it so they occupy their time and feed their boredom with things they learn from tv because social media has become their only real teacher.Violence has become a problem for kids in impoverished neighborhoods because no one is investing in their futures. Government officials are investing in their jail cells not their classrooms and ask why these kids have given up. They have given up because no one is showing interest in making them have a profitable future and the only future people are worried about giving them is the one they can profit off of, so the children take comfort in their fist,hands,and guns.
Children in urban schools rather than suburban schools are more accessible to guns,drugs,and knives then a text book. There is more funding for weapons in black neighborhoods than for a good school education. In an article created by LockLip news and stated by an ex Chicago gang member he’s seen government officials dropping guns in their neighborhoods for years. He says, “I’m telling you right now, they’ve been dropping the guns off in crates for years, and I’ve seen it twice in my lifetime. I saw it in 1990 and again in 1999.” It might be astounding to hear that the government would actually do this but it’s not that hard to believe. If the government would rig children’s school education to build jail cells for them,then they would need to give something and a reason for them to go to jail. In a lot of Urban schools they have metal detectors, pat downs, and security guards that act like police.Children in these schools are getting use to this lifestyle and violence is the only thing they know, so there's no way for them to get out of it.
In conclusion, if you want the rate of violence to go down in urban schools then you must stop providing them with the motives to be violent and provide them with the motives to be successful. You must fund their schools with the same funding you give suburban schools to give them a fair advantage. We must treat them like students and not prisoners. You must stop teaching them that their only choice is behind bars.If you give them a well funded quality education and occupy their time with activities that will help t guide them to their dream careers, then you can finally watch the rate of violence in their communities go down.
"Government Is Leaving Crates of Guns in Black Neighborhoods." Locklip. N.p., 15 Sept. 2016. Web. 22 Mar. 2017.
"Malcolm X Day." ThyBlackMancom RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Mar. 2017.
"Disparities Between Urban and Suburban Schools – Education Facilities Clearinghouse."Education Facilities Clearinghouse. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Mar. 2017.
Sandra Watson Podcast
Advanced Essay #3:The Hide and Seek of Race
Intro: My central question in my essay is How does society and the way they teach race and culture affect the knowledge of a person's racial identity ?,In my essay I tried to incorporate experiences of not just me but students and youth as a whole and how they are affected by my essential question because I believe youth are definitely affected by it. I also tried to incorporate a lot of the quotes I found as evidence to prove my thesis to be true. I think that I did pretty well explaining such a complex topic and getting the reader to understand the importance of the issue.
In every grade from kindergarten to 12th we have history as one of our main subjects. School systems have the mindset that the curriculum they teach for this subject is suitable for all of their students. They know that they are instilling false knowledge about American History and neglecting their duties to help each and every child find their own racial identity.School systems are letting the stereotypes and misconceptions the media portrays about race teach their children and in return students are amplifying their ignorance in schools,work,at home if they don’t have the proper support in their household to correct their wrong information, social situations, and even more. Students who are not taught correctly about their racial identity and aware and informed about other racial identities are the ones who usually end up becoming the stereotype or using their incorrect information to be little other races. If school systems cut common misconceptions and stereotypes about racial identity at the roots they’ll be no room for ignorance to grow.
The way school systems teach students about their racial identity has gotten so out of control that it is starting to affect the way students perceive themselves and how much effort they put into their school work .In school now a days how well you study or how much attention you pay in class is no longer the measure of how successful you’ll be in a subject but the color of your skin. In an article recently written by Heidi W.Durrow she explained how even though she was Dominican the results she had in math decided she didn’t fit in with being Dominican but another race. “I learned that because of the peculiar way that math and race work together in America, I was black.”. The quote is a perfect example how the school system is helping to categorize races in a stereotypical way which is taking away from the actual learning experience of the students. It is also striping them away and confusing them about their real racial identity and leading students to believe false information about a race.
Students should be trying to learn about their racial identity and history without the fear of being already categorized before they even get to show off their skills in the classroom. Without the students even getting to the point of being aware of their own racial identity, the school system does a good job of indirectly applying definitions to the social,economical, and political meanings of race. Angela Willing states ““Unlike race and racial identity, the social, political and economic meanings of race, or rather belonging to particular racial groups, have not been fluid.” Students especially in the 12th grade and under are trying find out their self identity and how that ties in with their racial identity but how can they, when society is already crafting the definition for them. This makes it much more confusing for students trying to find the truth about their racial identity and even makes them more vulnerable to believing stereotypes and misconceptions the media feeds them.
It is not practical to ask the school system to teach about every single race in the world, it just isn’t possible especially in one school year. It is way too much information and history to investigate and research but it is practical to want the school system to teach about a wide range of different races that don’t all come from the same region. It is essential that the school system dives deeper into racial identity and eliminates misconceptions about different races. This will lower the rates of ignorance that has already spread so vastly across our country. Also helping students find their racial identities early in life might make finding their self identity a lot easier.Students shouldn’t have to be unfortable in their own skin. Students should not have to be afraid to be who they are. The students race should not determine how well they do in school.The student should not be limited in their education because of their complexion. Skin color does not define the student, the student defines her or himself.
Darrow, Heidi W. "Indenify Your Race or Otherwise." N.p., n.d. Web.
Willing, Angela. "Race and Racial Identitity Are Social Constucts." N.p., n.d. Web.
Advanced Essay #2:The Art of Language
This essay helped me develop a better writer. My goals for this essay was to show that language isn’t just Spanish and English. I wanted to show that their are more pieces to it . I wanted for my audience to be able to connect these pieces through my essay and understand the bigger picture of language and why we need. Need. My goal was to be able to connect my experiences to a major theme and I think i succeeded. I’m proud that i was able to make an essay that people from all over can relate too, no matter your age,gender, or race. It’s a universal thing. The thing i could improve on though would be just making it a bit more in detail .
The Art of Language
Literacy comes in all shapes and forms from political literacy, to media literacy to even visual literacy but the one literacy that we all have in common even when we don’t know what it is, is cultural literacy. Cultural literacy “is the knowledge of one’s culture” stated by the website digital Is. There are a lot of things that surround culture from the music you play, to the clothes you wear, to the food you eat but overall language is one of the most important because language is the way you communicate with the culture. It’s the way connect within in your culture A lot of people think language is just Spanish,English,Chinese,French, Vietnamese, Italian, and so much more but truthfully language is so much more than that. You could be speaking the same language but not the same language at all. Let me explain clearly what I mean. If you speak modern english and I speak old english, we may be both speaking English but not the same language. When I was about ten years old I actually had my very first experience with cultural literacy.
I hadn’t seen my niece, Destiny in a long time. I only got to see her every 3 years ,maybe and I know a lot has changed since then. I packed so much stuff that day, unnecessary stuff. I was only going to be at her house for a weekend but I packed like I was going to be there for two weeks.My mom unpacked some of the clothes and gave me the stuff that was actually nessary. “Take a jacket” my mom said. I looked at my mom “Why? It’s summer” . My mom gave me a look back “Because I said so. It’s going to rain. Now take the jacket. If you don’t need it then don’t wear it.” She said as she walked out of the room. I put my jacket inside of my bag and soon as I did I I heard the doorbell ring. She’s here I said in my head then out loud. My mom came down the steps with me . I said Hi to Destiny and her mom. My mom and hers had a little chat before we left. We were off to quakertown. This was my very first time ever going to quakertown but i thought it be fun. When we arrived the very first thing I noticed was all the snow and i’m not talking about actual snow. I was wondering if there were any black people?I never seen so much white people in my life but I wasn’t closed to making some white friends. My elementary school had been with all African American students so I was looking for some diversity. Most of the day we spent watching disney movies, eating chinese food, and walking across the train tracks. It was slow but i was having a bit of fun. When nightfall came i thought we were going to play games in the house and relax since it was 10 o'clock at night but my niece Destiny had other plans. Her and I were going to go see her friends. We left out without her saying really anything to her mom but we will be back. We went behind this shed where she met her group of friends who were smoking weed. They were a wild group of kids who all basically did whatever they want when they wanted but that was really none of my business if they listened to their parents or not but things got weird when i tried to talk to them and make some friends. “Wassup?” I said to one of the white girls. “Hi she said.” flipping her blonde hair. I tried to start conversation. “U always lived here or nah?” I was bad at it at 13 but it was my attempt. She stared at me for a while before she actually spoke “I don’t understand what you are talking about?” she said. “I’m saying have you always lived quakertown.” I said rolling my eyes. She laughed with her friends. “Oh yeah” she answered. “That’s cool I lived in Philly my whole life, that jawn sorta poppin” I said awkwardly laughing. She looked at her friends once more as if i was speaking another language or something but to them i probably was. “Why do you talk like that?” she asked. “Talk like what?” I answered. “Like a gangster” she said. I didn’t know how to respond so I didn’t At this point I honestly thought she was trying to be racist and maybe she was but without the knowledge I have now I wouldn’t have ever thought that maybe we just weren't speaking the same language.
Language will always be crucial to cultural literacy, it makes up most of the definition and whether we like it or not when we step into diverse situations we experience what it feels like and without speaking the same language we won’t be able to understand what each other is saying. If we can’t understand what people are saying then we can’t connect as humans and as humans we long to connect with another person that’s why Language is so important. Language bonds us together , Language helps make us a culture. Language is beautiful. A quote in How to tame a wild tongue reminds us of this it states “Who is to say that robbing a people of their language is less violent than War? “Pg (53) Ray Gwyn. My response is that it’s not. If you rob a group of people of their language then you rob them of their culture.
Creative Writing Project Q1
Let It Go by Sandra Watson
One Christmas morning I sat on the edge of my bed kicking and swinging my feet back and forth. “Cover your eyes” She said. I placed one hand in front of each eye, trying to peek through my small hands. “NO! Don’t you dare peak” she yelled. I sighed and closed my eyes. My little anxious body was uncomfortably moving. All I could think is what could it be? The room was still for a moment, darkness filled under my eyelids and the only thing you could hear was the shuffling of feet from the other room. After minutes of impatiently waiting. She entered the room and placed an object down that made a loud thud.I opened my eyes to see my mom standing in the doorway and my dad with a camera in his hands, recording every moment of the big reveal. My sister was standing behind the big box that had been perfectly wrapped with Santa Claus Christmas paper. “Are you going to open it?” she asked with a smile. It was a box slightly bigger than me at the time. So I had to stand on my toes to reach the top.
I started to unwrap the wrapping paper slowly because even then and still now I loved the anticipation of opening a present. I peeled back the wrapping paper strip by strip, tearing the clean tucked wrapping paper into many small pieces. “Come on, Sandra, open it already, Do you need help?” my sister barked. I shook my head fiercely no as I opened up the last shreds of paper. My dad grabbed the last pieces of wrapping paper to put into a big black trash bag. I stood there in astonishment to see a big pink cinderella vanity set in front of me. “Open it!,Open the box mom!” I yelled in joy “ Thank you so much.” I hugged my sister tightly as she hugged me back,kissing my forehead. Then I heard a loud thud from above, i woke up to see my dog Trixie on the floor spread out because she just fell off the bed. I look to see that it’s not Christmas morning and I’m not six anymore. I look around to see their is no vanity set and the picture of my sister is still sitting on my dresser and realize she is no longer with us and tears fill my eyes. I can’t go back to sleep anymore. The memory was way too strong for me to handle. So instead I listen to music. Music that lets me drift away from those memories as I look at the picture on my wall and get lost into the grey and whiteness of it all.
Holding on to the past has always been a speciality of mine whether it was good or bad, something about holding on to the past helps me gain a little more power on my life. This probably is how most people feel and a big reason why a lot of people don’t let go of their past . It can be looked through many different perspectives which can shine a light on why holding onto your past can be a good thing and why it can be a bad thing. Holding onto your past can cripple your chances of having a good future but it can also help guide you so you don’t make the same mistakes you made in your past in your future. Is learning from your past the same thing as holding on to it? Is holding onto your past more of a yearning to go back and change what already was or is it letting yourself dwell on something that already happened? Is letting go asking you to forget your past or telling you to move into future? Letting go is something we personally define for ourselves but all us must build up on a general idea of what it is before we can actually do it.
All of us has had either someone or ourselves do something or say something that has affected us in a good or bad way. This something that has happened to us in the past can either had been dealt with and processed in a healthy or unhealthy way. It all depends on our personal processing but those who deal with these things unhealthy are more bound to not to let it go.People who hold onto the past are the people who are dwelling in a moment that can not be changed. They are simply replaying the event over and over not just not in their heads but in their day to day life. When people can’t let the past go they tend to usually apply the good or bad things into their daily lives because if you can’t let go of the past you’ll probably repeat it . We can’t relive the pas7t we bring the our past into the future. It’s a coping method, even though change is relevant to all of our lives not everyone can handle it. Moving into the future is not a task it’s a mission.
Letting go is not asking you to give up your memories or your past, far from it. It is asking you not to focus on it forever. Remembering and learning from your past so that you can transition into the next state of your life is what letting go is asking you to do.You can’t be in one place and want to go to another and not move a step. You’ll remain in that same place until you go. Now time will move on without you weather you like it or not. You can’t stop time but stopping your life is easy because you just stop living it. Living in one moment forever will literally stop you from living life. You’ll be too invested into that moment that you won’t realize the wonderful things you’re missing out on. Moving into the future means to continue with time,letting life take its course without trying to change or alter it to go back. Moving into the future means seizing opportunities to make to progress and be at your best. Moving into the future and defining what that looks like for you is up you but defining how you remember your past in a healthy way is also up to you.
You have to find and define what that means for you, what moving into the future and remembering the past is to you. No one else can define this for you because well all operate, think,breath, and move in different ways. There are the basic steps on how to let go but to make them your goals and make it something you actually want to do you must make it personal because your past and future is personal. How do you make it personal to you? How do you define what letting go means to you? You must define it, first by setting goals for yourself. Aiming to change the ways of your past day by day. Breaking bad habits and finding healthy ones to replace them with. Surround yourself with people who support you, know your struggle and are happy to help you go through it. It has been time for you to you to let go of your past and move into your future. A pause or a break is for vacations not your past.
Band D: Larrabee,Addison,Brown,Watson music video(cumbia)
Jorge,Deigo,Salvador,Marisol Band D Cumbia
The Unstoppable War
In Lord of the Flies by William Golding many boys are stranded on an island by themselves with no help or guidance from adults. They started off pretty well with a nice structured system so that things wouldn’t get chaotic. They elected an official or ruler named Ralph to watch over the group and lead them in simple tasks like making fires, hunting, and solving tough situations that they faced. As time went along a boy named Jack who was leading the hunters at the time wanted Ralph’s power and wanted to be ruler of all of the boys on the island. Jack was so obsessed with power that he would go to any length to get it. Finally because of all of the tension and confusion on who to follow, Jack or Ralph. The island boys split into groups. One group followed Ralph and most of the others following Jack. This division amongst the boys took a turn for the worst when Jack took a boy's named Piggy’s glasses to build a fire. This turned into a full on scale war between both groups. The boys are so young but because society has such a connection to war when power is threatened , it was the boy's natural response to start a war to keep their share. If you have ever heard of the saying monkey see, monkey do then you’ll know it applies here because if the boys had seen adults solve their problems more efficiently and communicated better then maybe the boys would be more likely to copy the behavior but because war and fighting are so common the wrong just seemed to be right.
The book Lord of the Flies is a perfect representation of society’s natural response of creating war when power or some one’s right are being are in danger of being taken away.
There are many different types of wars that happen, world wars, civil wars, and even self conflicting wars, but the war I think best connects to the book is the American Civil war. The American Civil war took place on April 12, 1861 and ended May 9. 1865. The war was between the north and the south, the south wanted to survive and they wanted their independence.This makes a very large connection to the book lord of the Flies, because the United states of America and the boys on the island were supposed to be unified. They let differences break them instead of coming to a common ground, which blew up in both their faces. It seems that when they were suppose to be closer than ever, they wanted to be farther apart. Our society’s alway says that violence is bad and there's a saying that “Violence is never the answer. But you can see by the past that all we seem to know. We don’t know how to effectively communicate. We are a spoiled society when we can’t have what we want we take it instead.
There are some benefits to war and some downsides to war but when there’s good, bad comes afterwards.In war, each side always has a target, something they're trying to get at whetherits land, power, just to take them out, or because someone is trying to stop them from achieving something but with this comes a price of people's lives. Societies see nothing but their goal in this transition of war. We get binded to the simple facts that war creates sometimes a much bigger problem and when we get to see this problem we settle it with another war. ome type of society’s natural instinct is to fight when a conflict approaches. This is why the boys on the island acted as they did because on tv, in magazines, in newspapers, social medias, and talking amongst adults, war was and is bound to come up. The boys were only doing what they saw in these areas, acting on society’s natural instinct. Could they have deferred this feeling? Not likely because the society you live in has a major part in developing who you are so when society says go to war when their is major issue, that’s exactly what you do .
In Conclusion was war has always been prevalent in the past, present, and will be in the future. As you could see in many of my other examples in the other paragraphs that war has come in many different types and styles but there is no way of avoiding it as long as different types of people live on the planet. For society war is essential because we have to force or take what we want because conversation is a foreign language to society.
Works Cited
Golding, William. Lord of the Flies.
New York:Penguin Group,2003. Staff. "American Civil War History." A&E Television Networks, 01 Jan. 2009. Web. 06 Apr. 2016.
: Staff. "Vietnam War History." A&E Television Networks, 01 Jan. 2009. Web. 06 Apr. 2016.Theater ILP
Theater ILP
Watson,Wu,Hazzard - La Entrevista Benchmark
Jorge Watson D band :Espanol Proyecto
Just One More Time
The Masterpiece Called Language
“Hey,wassup wit you?” I say eating my lunch.
“Nuthin much tryna finish up some of dis homework.” Kimberly says sitting across from me says. “True. aight. Imma let you do yah homework. Imma hop outta dis joint and catch you later.”
I say as I walk away from Kimberly. When I talk to my friends I use a lot of slang and I don’t usually sound a lot of my words out but this is because I see no need to. I am comfortable in the way I speak to my friends because I know that no one will correct me and I also know that they also speak that way to me as I speak to them. Then again, I am much more comfortable and laid back with them. I don’t have to censor my words. I speak a language my parent’s don’t understand, it’s teen. Teen is more like a laid back tone with words that we've made up just to make school feel a little more at home.
At home I usually sound a lot of words out and use complete sentences because my parents want me to speak proper so that I can learn to use both slang and correct english because both can come in handy.I also speak more proper at home because my parents don’t understand most of the Philly terms I use, especially because they are both from New York. So I don’t really have a choice or they just wouldn’t understand a word that I say. In meetings and professional events I use correct english and try my best to use complete thoughts. I change my language or the way I speak based on location,gender,age,sometimes race,personality and the event.
The location I am in is a very significant influence in the way I speak. If I am in a classroom setting I don’t use profanity and when speaking to a teacher I don’t use slang. The reason is because even though I am in a classroom with other teens, it’s out of respect for the adults that surround me and also because it's a learning space so a lot of my language is going to contain what I am learning about and is going to have a formal tone.
Tone for me is a big part of language. Tone is a language of it’s own because it expresses the way I feel toward you even if it’s just a mutual tone. Anger,sadness,happiness, and interest, changing it depending on the situation and the person I am dealing with . The tone of someone’s voice can let you know how they feel in that moment and where their mind might be. In language you say a lot but like mom says “ it not what you say it’s how you say it”
“Hey sweetie” my mom says, shuffling the papers on her lap.
“Hey mom” I say walking in the door placing my bookbag on the floor.
“How was your day?”
“ It was great actually. My friends and I were laughing and joking. Throwing shots and bidding on one another it was great.” I say sitting in the chair.
“ That’s great to hear but don’t sit in the chair, you have to clean your room.”
“I will.” I say upsetly
“ Get up out the chair and clean the room now. No if’s , no but’s. “ my mom says looking directly at. me”
“Okay... Can you give me one second? I just wanted you to tell you about my day. Nevermind. “ I walk out the room.
“Watch your tone with me , clean your room, matter of fact you can clean the basement too. Enjoy yourself.” my mom calls out.
Even though it’s a conversation of my mom and I bickering, it changes mood and tone. Language becomes more intense and my word usage changes. I don’t know why this happens, it just does. If I had to take a wild guess though it’s because of what I learned from my parents when I was young. If they crossed their arms, raised their voice. To me, I would say, I am just repeating the tones of my parents. The language that they have and made for their own selves. Than I just add my own touch onto their words to make them my own. Making your language fit to who you are is important. You change the way you say words and definitions of them based on knowledge and experience. Even though we repeat the tone and language from our parents and copy some from our peers, it’s our language. We constantly change it to fit who we are ,from saying “ that jawn” to “that thing” or to saying the name of the actual object are the choices we make to form bits and pieces of who we are.
Our language changes when we change. When there is a change ,we shift our words to what feels more comfortable with our surrounding we try to fit in. In all of this shifting , there is a language we prefer the most. A language that makes us feel more like us, that compliments our identity. My language with my best friends feels more real to me because I am in my comfort zone. I don’t have to shift for anyone even though all the language I use is real. Something about being with my friends make it more so. Most likely because I would probably speak that way a lot if it was an option. Every language is real. There are many differences and changes in the way we speak but it’s how we survive and connect in the world. From tone, to syllables, to accent, its language. There is no right or wrong language because the diversity is what makes language so beautiful.
Theater ILP Post #2
ILP Theater Month 1
unchain the Voice Blog Post 3
Unchain The Voice #2

Unchain the Voice
In our English class we were given a project call Passion,Information Change : You and the world. In this project we become people called the agents of change . We focus on an issue in the world we would like to change and than we go out into the world and try to change it in the best we know possible . The issue I am focusing on is “The difference between Snitching and Speaking out “. My project is called “Unchain the voice”. When you hear this , the first thing that might come to your mind is bullying, speaking up and out . Well it is, some of the way. Not totally though . It is more about how to define the terms for ourselves and use them in positive instead of negative ways . Snitching is a negative term that only in riches criminals. “ - Robert Watson Speaking out is a term that brings justice to others and even yourself . I choose this topic because people have bent the definition so many times that I believe people have forgotten the true meanings. We need to be educated about it and be ready for when the time comes to identify it . Identify it may be easy once you practice it but acting on it is going to be the difficult part.
The issue we face is all over the world . We see it in schools and on the street and in jails and prisons the most . Snitching is to keep from justice happening . For example , you see one your best friend push a kid to the floor but you say nothing . You chain your voice up because that is your best friend . Why don’t you say anything ? Why don’t you get help? What are you afraid of? I can explain , the consequences that follow up with the voice that is unchained. You lose respect but why ? This is why I want to educate young people about the issue before it gets to out of control . Keeping a secret for a friend ,,,, to witnessing or hearing something that can cause harm to yourself or someone else is wrong. It is time to unchain the voices . We unchain by finding one key at a time .
Fig 1: This is our voices when we speak out to help others or ourselves . This is when we use our voices for the right cause. We don’t just free the voice but our own selves from restraint . We speak out . We do not snitch . Snitch is only a negative term that empowers those who do not have the power to bring justice on themselves .
fig 2 : symbolizes the rhyme. Snitches get stiches . A lot of people probably thought it was a stupid rhyme to probably keep you quiet from telling the truth . The rhyme did have some truth to it though . Much truth probably . The consequences of bringing someone to justice may not always be always sometimes physical depends on your situation and your surroundings . The consequences in high school or a lower school may be that you get left out , labeled a snitch , and you might lose friends. So why do it ? What if you don’t do it . Consequences will come in all types and forms but only leaders can handle the pressure of speaking out not snitching speaking out . So will you lead or will you follow for someone else to suffer the consequence of you saying nothing at all.
figure 3: We spoke about all the things before . Breaking the chain and the consequences for it but just think about your reward. Just reach out your hands up and say I can use my voice. You have to believe before you can actually do it . You will earn a good reputation for being accountable . Speak out and finally be free.
At this point I wonder about people responses and what they think about snitching and speaking out. I wonder if this issue even crossed their mind or did they even think this was an issue at all . I wonder if people will agree and try to stop or fight against what I am saying because of past experiences, I want to know if an unchained voice to them is better chained. Art Reflection
- a. What do you feel like you accomplished with your final drawing? (keeping the rubric in mind. 20pts. - back
- I feel like I accomplished especially because I am horrible drawer but I took al lot of time to do it so I think I accomplished a lot.
- wall, 20pts. side wall, 20pts. ceiling, 20pts. floor, 20pts. table/chair = 100pts.
- b. What would you change or differently if you could do this project again?
- I would probably change my chairs into stools and change my visual point cause my roof wasn't going right .
- c. Find a drawing on the wall that you think is successful. Describe it. Why is it successful?
- I think that Tito's drawing was good because he had every essential and had very clean lines.
- d. What did you learn about one point perspective?
- I learned that your visual point and that going and seeing in a point perspective. I also learned it that straight lines come in place.
Super Lively Achievers
Nosotros somos Semaj y Java y Sandra. Somos estudiantes de Science Leadership Academy. Nosotros somos ir a decir sobre nuestra escuela. Science Leadership Academy es situado en veintidós calle y Arch calle. “SLA” es un gran lugar para que los estudiantes van a la escuela. Ofrece un buen ambiente de aprendizaje y los maestros no son estrictas. En mi opinión, yo haría recomendar este escuela a cualquier estudiante. Pero hay que recordar que
a trabajamos duro es muy importante para esto escuela.
Los del primer año toman inglés, Teatro, matemáticas, Historia, bioquímica, arte, and tecnología. Nuestros encanta clase es teatro es muy divertida y interesante. En es de clase tú y tus personalidad. Somo clases necesitamos computadora. Para tener éxito en esta clases necesitamos participar Y trabajamos duro. Depende del día, todas clase es divertida.
Nuestros profesores es muy inteligente . Nuestros profesores es Srta. Giknis y Señor Todd y Srta. Thompson, Srta. Hull , Señor Kay y Srta. Manuel. Nuestras encanta Senor Kay . Señor Kay enseña teatro. Señor kay es muy cómico y muy inteligente . Señor kay es simpático . Señor Kay clase es muy creativa. Yo participar es en teatro. Nuestros les encanta Srta. Giknis es ensena ingles. Srta. Giknis es guapa y muy bastante cómica. Nosotros aprender Shakespeare y también memoirs. Nosotros encanta Español. Srta. Manuel ensena espanol. Nosotros somos aprender español. Me encanta clase y estudiantes . SLA estudiantes es muy inteligente y simpático. Nosotros trabajamos duro juntos.
SLA es una divertida escuela. Nos encanta los estudiantes y profesores. Ellos simpáticas y útil. Lo que más nos gusta de SLA es que es bastante tranquilo. SLA es muy divertida, . Nosotros Te amo SLA. Nosotros encanta la academica y la proffesorows . Nosotros te amo la estudiantes y la ambiente . Como un SLA estudiante Yo saber que SLA es muy especial y Yo pensar todo el mundo debería saber.
Proyecto Sandra
Yo-Hola! SOy Sandra . Tengo Catorce años. Mi cumpleanos vienti tres y marzo. Me Identities es africano americano. . Me gusta escribir y cantar.
Ella- Es mi mejor amiga y Ella es gusta hermana. su llamas Tatiyana. Ella es muy cómica y artística.
nosotros-mi y mi mama . Mi mamá es bonita y muy rubia. pero es por eso que lo quiero mucho. YO quiero mi mama porque ella es simpatica y inteligente
Ellos- To presento a Mi primo. Calvin y Shamar. Ellos son moleston depende del dia sin embargo Ellos son los seres queridos en mi vida. Ellos son manoso y divertido
Gracias tu por attecion.
NET Neutrality Blog Sandra
Sandra Watson
Net neutrality
Net neutrality is when all data is produced equally to every person. Net neutrality has keep the internet together and has proved itself efficient in the years passed but some people think otherwise. The net neutrality word that was created by Tim Wu has been tested by the FCC. The FCC is Federal Communication Commission . The FCC show what content is shown or being produced over tv, , and radio. They decide what is art or totally wholesome to be shown for other people. The Fcc over the years have worked their way into the internet and decided that NO Net Neutrality would be a better way to go for everyone or just them ?
In February the FCC and Tom Wheeler will be having a meeting on what new rules they want to consider or make for NEt neutrality. This has been a topic that has been circling in media and schools for quite a while now . NEw rules might new internet service for all of us . The FCC decides that we should no longer have net neutrality we might all get slower content based on what we pay for and may lose important information which is highly wrong but we do not get a say so in what internet privileges we get even though we are the ones paying for it .
In conclusion we all should agree that net neutrality is good for our whole society. Net neutrality affects no one but all of us. The FCC should stop meddling into the internet and stick to covering content on the tv, radio . NO one should be treated less than because of their financial income. We fought for equality so lets stay Equal .
Sandra's Proyecto
Yo-Hola! SOy Sandra . Tengo Catorce años. Mi cumpleanos vienti tres y marzo. Me Identities es africano americano. . Me gusta escribir y cantar.
Ella- Es mi mejor amiga y Ella es gusta hermana. su llamas Tatiyana. Ella es muy cómica y artística.
Ello-su llamas es Naeem. Ello es muy muy loco pero Ello es siempre esta para mi.Ello le gusta hablar por teléfono . Ello le gusta comer y dormir.
nosotros-mi y mi mama . Mi mamá es bonita y muy rubia. pero es por eso que quiero mucho. YO quiero mi mama porque ella es simpatica y inteligente
Ellos- To presento a Mi primo. Calvin y Shamar. Ellos son moleston depende del dia sin embargo Ellos son los seres queridos en mi vida. Ellos son manoso y divertido
Gracias tu por attecion.
Sandra's slide
All About Me Slide - Sandra Watson
Vogue Musica is my billboard. i choose that title because I i really like to listen to music more than anything in the world. Vogue is a very popular magazine that was made in paris a place I really want to go one day. The background was shown to represent my love for music as vogue shows my love for paris and traveling.