Election Country Project

BY: Elona M. Robert B. Gil G.

For this project we were assigned a country in order to learn about their election process for electing their president, and find someone in that country to ask questions to a second person in the country about the presidential elections. The ones we contact in the country could be anything from, a school/ offices/ business and average people. The election country that we were assigned was S.Korea. Through our research we found that S.Korea's president is elected through a plurality vote and serves a single five year term. We also found that their Presidential election are going to be held in December 2012 and that they recently had an election for the National Assembly in April 2012. The person I contacted for help with this project was through facebook.

Conversation with S.Korean Citizen:

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After sending him the questions and having the set up ready he unfortunately backed out on us and was unable to help. We contacted sever agencies as well however there was no response from them as well.

After the project I realized that there were many di fferences between the S.Korean and the American election systems, such as in the states a president can serve for two terms four years each, but in S.Korea they only serve one term of five years. I also noticed that their National Assembly has an important role in th e country.

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There were many ups and downs in the process, for anyone doing this project I would tell them to keep in mind the language and time barriers, the time difference is very different and that was also a big issue for us. I did however learn a lot through this process including finding a person around the world that can help.
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