Elisha Fox Capstone

My athletic journey, for my capstone I chose to write all about it. From the time I was born all the way until now whether by my own will or my parents influence i’ve been physically active. That being said, physical activity has been such a big part of my life and who I am. In turn I’ve naturally taken interest in health as a big part of being and remaining active is making sure your body is capable of the activity itself. I would argue that this is especially true when sports are a factor. Sports not only magnified my interest in activity but also health as your ability to perform and compete are reliant on your health. Even if I’m not using my body for a sport I enjoy recreational activity. In all of this it is easy especially for athletes to become narrow minded in terms of health. Their physical body is what their sport, team and performance require right? Though that is true there is so much more that goes into sports and physical activity than your body. It is extremely important especially for athletes to be conscious of that. Other factors that impact health as well as performance are one’s physical, mental and spiritual health. For those who may not be athletes, physical health is still very important. Not only does physical health impact your physical health but the same relationship goes both ways. Without mental will it is hard to stay in shape but with unhealthy physical tendencies one’s mental health can be consequently damaged also.

My Athletic Story
