English/History BM: Changing History

Photo on 2011-06-02 at 09.35
Photo on 2011-06-02 at 09.35
In History, 11th Grade has been thinking about how change impacts our world. To reflect on this question, the last benchmark project we are doing is to change a part of our past and thinking about how this would impact 2011.

My project on what would happen if Ohio had never ratified the 21st amendment can be viewed here.

To view my script for one of my Primary Sources, click HERE.

 What I enjoyed about this project most was delving into the details of the history. However, I thought this was the most challenging. It required me to research, research, research. I found some wonderful sites, but I struggle with finding good primary sources among the secondary. I became an expert on pre and post-prohibition. I thought the way that gangsters turned Prohibition into a business opportunity was the most interesting.
    Upon reflection, I think that individuals can impact history, but only if they have enough power to do so. If JFK had lived to lead our country, America would be very different today, because he was president and had power from the people. However, the changes he create would be much slower than a systemic change. I think that systemic changes impact the world much more than individually. Systems create respect, by acting to promote one side, the rest of the world feels the need to listen to them. With events like protests and rallies, things like the Prohibition get created.
    I loved this project, I think it was an excellent way to end the year. I think it would be cool if there were other ways to present our information. I think a monologue or a kids book would be interesting and challenging. If I could do this project over again, I would pick a different medium to present my findings. As I said above, a monologue would be super cool!
