English Profolio- Reflection
This portfolio really shows how I have made huge process in my writing through out the year. The viewer should be able to get to know a little about me from reading some of these pieces of work such as my all about me magazine and memoir notebook projects.
My weakness in writing would have to be my spelling and grammar. My strength is the way I follow directions and is able give the teacher what they are looking for. I will continue to work on my grammar.
By writing this portfolio it was like a way to see how I have truly made progress as a writer. For example it shows how writing 2 page reports at 12 times font as became easier to do.
I am most proud of my Book Review on “The Beast”. I’m most proud of it because it was one of my best papers grammar and spelling wise and also had great organization. Also I’m proud that it is my highest grade work of the year.
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