Enlighten Me

I often find myself wondering how my current situation would be had I not made the decisions that I have made in the past.  For example, what if I chose to go to a different high school instead of SLA? How would my past educational experiences differ in comparison?  Would I have learned all of the same things that I know now?

I also wonder how badly slacking off in eleventh grade would have affected me.  I know a few people that did terrible in eleventh grade that are now having a tough time getting into good colleges.  I also think back to how I have handled certain issues in the past and whether or not they were dealt with satisfactorily. 

I am a person who believes in good/bad karma and destiny.  I also think that all things happen for a reason.  I feel as though it was fate for me to attend SLA.  Had I not, I do not think that I would have experienced so much with personal relationships as well as deeper thinking.  SLA has definitely enlightened me on a broad spectrum.
