2fer #7- Justin Stewart

Justin Stewart

Ms. Pahomov

English 3

18 April 2018

                                    Technology: The world’s ruler

Technology has been around since the late 1950s. It can be things such as Computers, Tablets, or smartphones. Technology is something that everyone uses everyday. It basically runs today’s society. People use Technology for their job, school, or just for their entertainment. It’s been known as the world’s venom to not just adults, but to teenagers as well. Technology can have a negative effect on a person’s life.

Social media is a possible reason why Technology can have a negative effect on a person’s life, Specifically a teenagers. Teens are the main group of people that use social media. People  usually download social media apps on their smartphones such as Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter. Parents believe that social media is toxic to their child’s brain. People think that social media can affect their child’s development into adulthood. Technology can affect the child’s education due to lack of sleep. Technology is what encourages a teen to stay awake for a long time. This causes them to be tired during school and keeps them from performing to the best of their abilities.

Social media is not just physically harmful but mentally harmful as well. Cyberbullying is a major issue that affects people mentally. Cyberbullying is bullying but it is done through Technology. Cyberbullying can happen to anyone, but when people think of the word Cyberbullying, people automatically assume that it means a teen is getting bullied online. But it can happen to adults too. Some examples of Cyberbullying is someone posting something embarrassing about another person like a video of that person being physically bullied or someone posting personal information on social media without the person’s consent. Bullies tend to do this to ruin someone’s social life and real world life. Unfortunately, this can lead to depression and can ultimately lead to suicide. Suicide is a big issue among teens in the United states. According to the Megan Meier Foundation, Approximately 34% of the students report experiencing cyberbullying during their lifetime and About 15% of the students admitted to cyberbullying another student in their lifetime.

Social media can cause lack of privacy. This makes Social media a little too Social. An example of a social media app that can become a lack of privacy is Facebook. Facebook is the most open social media app. This means that anyone can go on a person’s Facebook page without them even knowing. The person can also message the person by texting them through the direct message feature called Facebook messenger. Unlike Instagram and Snapchat, Facebook doesn’t have the feature to prevent someone from going onto the person’s page without the person’s consent.

When People stop and think about it, they realize that social media can have a negative effect on a person’s life both Physically and mentally. Social media can be an unsafe place to share your information. Some people share their location on Social media which can be very dangerous.
