Final Project Q1-4 - Shamble

This quarter I didn't have a main focus for my artwork at all, so I'm going to talk about the individual pieces.
My ceiling tile was a birthday present to a friend, and it ended up being something like two weeks late. She's really into the anime Puella Magi Madoka Magica (which is my fault), so I wanted to do something for that. The particular character I pained got beheaded and eaten in the anime, so the entire tile is a cruel, cruel joke. It was much more complicated for me than my tiles last year, which had much more simple designs and were just generally easier to paint. As a result of this, my tile last year didn't turn out as neat and nice as I would have hoped. It's not as symmetrical as it could have been, and some of the colors are wrong. However, the project as a whole looks pretty nice, so I guess I'm satisfied.
My self portrait was a pain to draw. I am used to much smaller canvases, and when I was given the size of the paper, I had no clue what to do, really. I just improvised, and it doesn't take up the entire paper, but it's something. I used a lot more blending techniques than I would normally because of the amount of space the drawing takes up and how tedious it would be to neatly shade everything with just the pencil. This is probably the piece I like the least out of all of them
My third piece wasn't assigned for this class, but it illustrates what I was figuring out on the side: markers. I've had two sets pf the particular markers I used since I was 13, and just have never gotten around to using them in depth. For the summer and most of this quarter, they have been my primary medium for coloring and I am very happy with them. They give a very clean and bright finish, and work very well with the way I shade hair. The character in this I made last year, and she has been one of my primary subjects for my marker art because of her color palette. She is incredibly fun to draw, and I hope to use her for an actual assignment sometime this year.
Overall, I haven't seen glaring improvement in my work this quarter, but am overall satisfied with it. I'm excited for what I'm doing next.
