Final Project Q3&4
Quarter 3 I've created artworks that I'm proud of because I took my time and my skills of coloring. Every art piece took at least 2 classes, especially the eye. I wanted really do good details because the eyes tell a story but I used tricks that I knew and the eraser to create shadows or fading. The next art piece I'm proud is the optical illusion because it was calming and at the end it was satisfying to see. The internet was the best source to create all of the artworks. Also to create shading having different pencils specialized to drawing because it creates the shadin for you and all you do is create layers.
The most important thing that I learned from this quarter was that patience is key when you do art and it also relaxes you so it's a good mix. You can express yourself through colors. For all my artwork I wanted to create things that were different and you know Georjelis made it. So when I created he mandala it was very different and weird because nobody else has done it. And the colors I used connected the some figures in the pictured.
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