Final Stamp Design- Nasya Ie

I had a lot of ideas in my brainstorm, I had a paper crane, a pepper and more. But out of all of those ideas I choose this magical peach. This magical peach reminds me of my family and I. This peach reminds me of me and my sister how we both love magical creatures, this also shows the background of my family gardening and how delicate we can be.

In art, we had to find what represents me, like I said before I choosed this magical peach. This peach was originally a line drawing and make the line thicker, so it can be stamp like. This peach is in positive space, but how? As you can see, the peach is in a white background and the peach is in a different color, pink. The background is the positive and the peach is negative. Negative and positive space is important because it shows the different details and sections you might not notice. On my peach you can see the swirl because of the positive space.

The thing I got stuck is how am I going to cut this out so it can be positive or negative. And I choosed positive because I wanted people to see the details. So, I had on the internet to figure out if I was correct. I was confused what is the difference between positive and negative, but this assignment help me on that. By doing this assignment it can help you tell the differences.

