First Stamp Design

This assignment was about negative space. The goal was to create a logo that represents who you are, then, you needed to draw this sketch, cut it and paste it on a piece of paper. I chose to represent a man, like a “future me” (that’s one of the point that I wrote in my brainstorm). First thing first, I decided to put glasses because a lot of people identify a connection between me and glasses. Then, another point that defines me is where I am from. As you might now, I am from Paris. The best way to mention my city was to put a hat with wrote “Paris” on it (remember that I wanted to draw a guy, so I didn’t want to put like an Eiffel Tower or whatever on the side). The last point of my drawing is the moustache. I wanted to represent a future me, so put this element because I am really imagining myself like as an hipster, and I think that I will have this kind of moustache when I’ll grow up, so that’s how I moved to this point.

Negative and Positive space are playing a key role into this drawing. It really helps to make the drawing sticking out the background. I also purposely didn’t put the “points” into the letters P, A and R because I think that it would make a cool effect with the negative space, it makes the entire word like a logo and give some originality.    

During this drawing, the question of negative and positive space was central. I don’t think that I got stuck at any moment while doing it, even if it wasn’t always easy. The major problems that I had to solve was to know if I put the “points” into the letter and if I needed to fill in my glasses with pink. This project really helped me understanding more the concept of positive and negative space, it made me more familiar with it. It’s like English: you need practice to correct all the aspects of the language!

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