Fork Roads and Fire

(Starts with Jason near the phone and he puts his camera on live recording. At the bottom of the screen it says: ‘Feel free to comment to “(610) 414-399” during this video.’ Jason backs up 3ft from the camera.)

Jason: Hello, to all who are hearing this and hello to one particular person. My name is Jason Carter. Inhabitant of South Philadelphia. Not anymore. Yeah…That name…that place…does it sound familiar? Yeah, (Nods head) because you know how you are related to me. You know what you did. Now, (lays hand on chest) I might not know your name but you will know if you are that particular person. You will know because burning a house is not something that you would forget. (Lays hand on chest)I mean I wouldn’t, (Raises hands and shrugs) who would? Now (Lays hand on chest) I wouldn’t start a fire, (Shrugs) so I wouldn’t really know, (Points at the camera and lifts chin slightly) but you do. (Shakes head) You won’t forget what you did because you did it out of pleasure. I remember that night two days ago, I saw that devilish look in your eyes, the smile on your face, illuminated by the flames. You know what that told me? Hmm? It told me that it was no mistake and you didn’t regret it.


But truly…I do not know the real reason why you did it. Sure you did it out of pleasure, but what for? (Eyes narrow) Was it revenge? Now, since I don’t know who you are I don’t remember doing anything to you to make you mad at me. I didn’t even recognize you. So right now, what you did was just nonsense to me. Just why did it have to be me and my family?

(Pause. Text message alert appears on the phone’s screen under notifications. Jason walks up and looks at the message.)

And we have our first comment from my buddy, John Shoemaker. He says: ‘I was there on the night of the fire and I saw Adam Clark was there. I know him from school.’


So…Does anybody know who this Adam Clark may be?

(Pause. Text message alert appears on the screen.)

Now we’ve got another text message from someone named Chen and in his reply it says: ‘I know that kid, he goes to my school, he steals people’s money and phones and sprays graffiti on people’s houses.

(Pause. Text message alert appears on the screen.)

Another person, Carlos, exclaims: ‘He threw bricks at my windows. (Shakes head in disbelief)

And we have another message, It is from an 8th grader named Ethan. His message reads: ‘He is my older brother Adam Clark. Two nights ago I remember that he left my house in in the middle of the night. I have kept this secret for a long time and should have said it earlier: he has been doing things I don’t agree with for about three months now. Each new thing that he does is worse than the last.’

(Pause. Jason looks shocked at this new information)

So, apparently, I am not alone. Adam has been hurting others.


So, what should I do? Should I call the police and tell them that Adam did it? Maybe I can just leave an anonymous tip? I don’t know if I really have enough evidence here…

(Looks at messages again)

Now my brother is getting into this. He says: ‘Yo, little brother. Maybe you should give this kid a break, maybe he is like me. I did drugs and went to jail. It was because I didn’t have a friend to talk me out of it. You know my story. So I am just saying maybe this kid needs a chance. Sure he screwed up and I am not happy about him torching our house, but jail is not the solution.’

(Pause. Looks uncertain. Moves away from the phone)

Sigh Okay, now I really don’t know what to do. I mean maybe this kid really did have a rough life like my brother said, but should I still be sorry for him? I mean he made me (put hand on chest and look sad) lose…everything…dear to me. I never thought that it might happen to me, but it did, all because of him. What do you think that I should do?

(Turns and walk of screen. The End)

Comments (2)

Salvatori Camarote (Student 2020)
Salvatori Camarote

The character clearly has gone through a lot and is somewhat angry. I liked the way you have the character speaking as if he's talking on an online platform or podcast of the sort. It allowed you to bring in other characters through one line of dialogue and really helps shift the characters thoughts around.