Frankie Gavin Capstone

For my capstone, I made a short stop motion film. The idea for this stemmed from the anxiety that I felt before my wisdom tooth surgery. The specific type of stop motion animation that I used was claymation and I made the sets from cardboard. As I was working, I thought deeply about how I could create something that reflects all of SLA’s core values as well as being something unique to me and what I wanted to create. My process had a lot of ups and downs, since I had never done claymation before. I ended up using animals as the characters instead of people because I could not figure out how to make a good looking clay human. I struggled a lot with my time management, but I ended up overcoming my obstacles and creating something that I am proud of. The end result is a short film that is supposed to show the audience that no matter what situation you are in, nothing is perfect and there will always be things to worry about, so make the most of your life.

Here is the link to my final video on Youtube:

Here is the link to my annotated bibliography:
