Gambia & Ethiopia Collapsibility Benchmark

Globalization BrookeT
  • The countries I reflected were GAmbia and Ethiopia. Gambia was my election country and Ethiopia was a country in sub- surharan Africa. Both countries are extremely poor. While Ethiopia is larger than Gambia both have the same economical problems and a hard time keeping there countries out of extreme debt. 
    The process in which I used to collect the information for this project was quite simple. I researched information about each country according to the 5 point frame work. I then broke down each countries frame work into simialrties and difference so that it would be easy for me to analyze and find out which country was more likely to collapse. 
    Although the process i used to find information may sound easy and straight forward. It was actually very challenging. It wasn't easy finding creditable sourcres for factual inormation on trade  or  environmental issues. I came across a lot of biased articles and had to weed out the good ones from the crappy one. Also relating the frame work to each country was a task of its on that took up quite a bit of time. 
    If I could change anything about my project it would deffinalty be he design of the layout as well as the concluding statement. I feel as though my design was pretty weak and my concluding statement could have been more insightful.  
