Gina Dukes' Individual Music Blog #2
Sound is produced by this instrument when air is blown into the mouth piece which creates a wave of air to flow through. The air behaves like a stiff spring and as the player continues to blow, the spring receives those pulses and begins vibrating. As the wave vibrates through the flute, sound is created.
Based on my understanding, in order to change the pitch of the sound, the player must place their fingers on different holes on the flute, to alter the flow of air, which changes the wave and therefore changes the pitch.The characteristics that are important in this instrument are, a hollow tube through which air can pass through, small holes on one side of the flute, and an opening through which a person can blow air into the instrument.
I have done some research and it seems as if the simplest way to make a flute would be out of PVC pipes because it provides a good hollow structure for air to easily travel through and for sound to be made, also it is relatively easy to find. My plan for constructing the instrument is to borrow some PVC pipes from VK's engineering room and then carve small holes on the top, and a mouth piece on one end.
As of now, I don't have any outstanding questions regarding my instrument or this project. I would like to continue learning more about waves so that I can better my understanding of how music is created through instruments.
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