Glory Tribute: Capstone By Soledad Alfaro-Allah


I created a tribute to black Philadelphia, by making a piece of short film using many different aspects of the city including its people as well as its youth, the short film is the preface to a larger project which will end up being a documentary on Philadelphia and the abandoned buildings here, and how that relates to gentrification. However this is an artistic play on that because it involves a poem that describes the black joy and what that looks like in America and, the story of black resilience. 

I spent the school year, putting together the video and small tribute to the poem and to the people of the city, by using the time I was given in dig vid and continued to refine it over the course of the year, leaving us with the particular product. However this is not the finished product with anything in life and art it still could be further edited and refined in order to make it much more powerful.

The representation with everything (Colors, Hues of video, faces of youth) have to do with the contradictory ideals of what black joy looks like and what the situation for black lives actually is in relation to America. 2015-2016 and 2014 as well have all been years chalked full of social injustices, that are noticed more lively and loudly because of social media. The Black live matter movement has been one of the largest trending topics revolving around social media, and artistic contribution in my opinion has been one of the most essential points of the movement, in making people care about black lives. 

Annotated Bilbiography

"Trespassing - FindLaw." Findlaw. Web. 05 Feb. 2016.

Source is a summary of the laws within real estate that talk about the parameters of trespassing on private property, and what the legalities are behind trespassing in abandoned buildings.

"Phila. Rates Highest among Top 10 Cities for Deep Poverty." Philly-archives. 2014. Web. 05 Feb. 2016.

Article is a social breakdown of the daily increase in the homeless population within philadelphia due to lack of employment, and an increase in recreational and prescription drug use and abuse.

"Legality Of Scraping Metal." Scrap Metal Junkie RSS. 2010. Web. 05 Feb. 2016.

Reading on the legalities of taking scrap metal from buildings as well as instructions on avoiding persecution from the law by doing so.

Hurdle, Jon. "Philadelphia’s Success in Helping the Homeless Gets a Philanthropic Boost." The New York Times. The New York Times, 2014. Web. 05 Feb. 2016.

Article on the attempt to help the homeless in philadelphia and the potential eradication of tent cities done on a productive level allowing people without stationary homes resources.

Greene, Ilana. "Piecing Together the Scrap Metal Industry." The Huffington Post. Web. 05 Feb. 2016.

Reading and explanation on how the scrap metal industry works, and the fact that it is completely dependent upon the illegal acts of those living in poverty and illegal scrap metals from abandoned buildings, cars, scrap yards, and houses.

"Scrap Metal Recycling in the US: Market Research Report." Scrap Metal Recycling in the US Market Research. Web. 05 Feb. 2016.

Article on the benefit of recycling old metals that can be used for scrap, and prove to be beneficial resources in the newer construction of buildings.

"U.S. Is Awash in Glut of Scrap Materials." WSJ. Web. 05 Feb. 2016.

Subject matter and counter argument as to how the US is completely dependent upon scrap metal yet there is so much the country is practically drowning in it.

"Recycling Facts | Why Recycle Scrap Metal? | Schupan." Recycling Facts | Why Recycle Scrap Metal? | Schupan. Web. 05 Feb. 2016.

Rationale on why it is necessary to scrap metals, as well as a proposal to scrap metals inside of abandoned buildings on an industrial level, the question of the buildings possessing more value in pieces than as a whole.

"Scrap Metal Outlook for 2016." Money. Web. 05 Feb. 2016.

Dialog between economists on the value of scrap metal as a temporary source of well, however currently being deemed as one of the safest investments that almost guarantee reimbursement, as well as profit.

"US Scrap Metal Exports Forecast to Keep Plunging." US Scrap Metal Exports Forecast to Keep Plunging. Web. 05 Feb. 2016.

Journal addressing the resources of buildings with metal and copper, aluminum, which are the metals being scrapped, whether or not it is sound to continue to sustain scrapping as an illegal means to make money.
