
For this week, I choose to focus on the political system of my partner's country. My interest in their political system came from a discussion me and one of my peers, Jacob Lotkowski had on political theory. The talk brought upon thoughts of how political systems work in other countries. I decided I would use my resources for this project to establish the question of "Que es gobierno como?" For this question, I established five questions to answer this question:

en tú país, político sistema como?
cuando ley ridículo?
intersección entre governo y religión?
Es ahí algo como US senate?
Defectos en tú politico sistema?

The person I met is from Colombia, and her name is Violeta. I met her through Sharedtalk, which I will be using for now on to answer my essential questions for this project. Talking to Violeta, there was a lot of miscommunications and understandings. Some of my questions she wasn't able to understand very, as I wasn't able to word them well enough. Some of the answers I received were a vague and without an actual answer, such as the fourth question that I asked. I didn't get very much of an answer with that, as I don't think my parker was very prepared to answer the questions that I asked. It was pretty difficult to talk to her, as she wouldn't talk back to me in spanish when I would ask a question in spanish. I was able to find out a few small things though, which allowed me to research them and find out more. I found out that Ley Lleras was a bill that would affect how content was shared and downloaded, similar to the recent bills which were trying to be passed here. I also found out that Colombia has similar to the United States in structure of government, as they both have presidents.
    My final question was never answered, but I understand how Colombia's government functions from this.  This was my first time using Sharedtalk for conversation, and I enjoyed it much more than I did live mocha, or using friends of mine. With Sharedtalk it was so much quicker to find people to talk to, as I had several conversation request (I know, I'm quite popular) while I was talking to Violeta. For my final entry, I'm certainly using shared talk, as it was less of a headache than the other outlets of communication I had.
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