Grand Budapest Hotel//Tim Burton style

Group members: Me

Movie: Grand Budapest Hotel  

The Grand Budapest Hotel is a wes anderson film that hold both literary and cinematic merit. This movie is brilliantly colorful, symmetrical and accompanied with a soundtrack that ties everything together. All of these things of course styles and methods that Wes Anderson is known for, so why not turn everything on it's head by doing something that is the complete opposite. For example give the entire film a Tim Burton makeover.
Tim burton's auteur is the dark, gloomy and strange looking characters that everyone loves because of how gothic everything looks. To me it seemed to be the perfect contrast to all of the colors seen in the grand budapest hotel. It would be interesting to see what the movie would be like with a dark tone but the contrast alone is not why I chose to recreated a scene in Tim burton's art style. 
Many reviews of the movie state that this movie is a dark comedy. This basically means that it's a funny way to tell a rather tragic story in my opinion. I feel like there's no better way to convey than with Tim burton's style. All of his stories are about misunderstood characters and find ways to deliver tragic messages and storylines in a way that doesn't make them seem so bad. 
With all that being said I created a storyboard using the very first scene in the movie which is the young girl leading all the way up to the author introducing the main part of the movie. When you look at the storyboard I attempted to recreated Tim Burton's famous characters where everyone has sunken eyes and large head on rather tiny bodies but that didn't quite work to well. I have to be honest even though the style seems simple there are the little details that make it work and scream "Tim Burton" . 
I focused more on the people themselves rather than the background because to me the background would most likely be the same but instead the color would only range from whatever is on  he monochromatic scale. Other than the turning this live action movie into an animated one I changed nothing that has to do with the original screenplay. The one other thing I change may have been the music but that was because the music in the original movie doesn't fit with Tim Burton's auteur and I feel like eerie music is more of the route that should be taken with this one. Overall I think that if the Grand budapest hotel was redone this way then the only possible outcome would that the narrative of the story would be enriched. 

storyboard is down below.
