Growing up Online/Digital Nation - Mindy Saw

The TV show we watched in class was Digital Nation from WHYY.

  1. This show was about teens and their life online and the comments/opinions that the adults had about it.

  2. The most memorable thing to me about this show is how much effect the internet has on people especially teens.

  3. It is important to watch shows like these because it allows you to see what’s not obvious to some people in detail. It is not important to watch shows like these because even though we see these things happening because of the internet, we still do the same thing. We don’t stop.

  4. I will keep my future family safe online with the ability of trust and help from each other when in need.

  5. It is important to talk to your family about internet safety because it can lead to a lot of bad things that’ll bring you yourself into the whole situation.

           6.   I would give them advice about one little post can lead a huge situation/problem so they should                        

                 think before they post.

