Growing up Online - Taylor Green
In class, we watched a movie called Growing Up Online. This show was about how being online affects us in real life, and how kids are different on the internet than they are in real life. The most memorable thing about this show to me was when a girl named Autumn Edows told us about how she made a new personality online. It was interesting to see someone completely transform themselves because of the internet. It's important to watch shows like this so that you are cautious about your behavior on the internet. For my future family, I'll monitor how much time my kids spend online and make sure that they only get on educational websites only. I'll only allow them to get on the computer once they are done their school work. It's important to talk to your family about internet safety so that your younger siblings are aware and your parents know whats going on in your life in case something bad where to happen to you. Advice that I would give parents who don't know how to keep their children safe online is to look up some ways to protect them. If they can't do that, limit the amount of time your child spends on the web and monitor what they do and restrict certain sites.
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