Growing Up Online Reflection- Kiah Johnson

1. In class, we watched a show called Growing Up Online.

2. The show was basically a documentary about kids that grew up on the internet and they had some difficulties with having it. The show then told a lot of the kid's stories of them being on the internet, showing the affects of their decisons, teaching the audience how one decision can hurt them in life. 

3. I think the most memorable thing about the show was the story about the little boy who killed himself because of the group chat he was in. In the group chat he went to look for advise from these people, and he trusted them, but they totally betrayed his trust and they ended up responsible for his murder. This speaks to me because I know that sometimes life gets really hard, and we often want to kill ourselves, but it really isn't the answer. It reminds us that if we need help we should go to our parents and don't go to anyone else because we can't always trust the online world. 

4. I think it is very important for people to watch these shows because it tell others how and what could happen to them if they aren't too careful of what they are doing online. It will remind them that they can get hurt, bullied, and they might cause thoughts of suicide because of what others have said.

5. I believe I would teach my children to be safe online by just warning them of what could happen, but I will not block anything from them to make sure I can see if I can trust them. If they don't follow the rules and they end up breaking them, I would start to just inform them more about what could happen, but just a lot more detailed of the consequences. 

6. I think it is important for someone to talk to their family about internet safety because if they ever get into trouble, and they themselves don't know how to get out of it, their parents can step into the situation and help them with it. Not many people would help them with it, but their parents care about them deeply enough that they will help them.

7. The advise I would give to other parents is: Don't block them from stuff, because they will never learn. When they make those mistakes, catch them, inform them about the affects of doing it. After that, you must let them make their decisions until they come to you for help, unless the situation is unbearable in your eyes.

