Hadiyah Ross Capstone

For my capstone project, I decided to make a crochet club for elementary school. I started this idea because I wanted to give back to my community. Being a black person in America while also attending public school I wanted to give back to other black students in public schooling. I know not a lot of public schools don’t offer extracurriculars or many clubs for the kids to join and I got lucky with a school that was big in clubs and things for students to join. It was a very important part of my education and how my development as a person. My goal with this club was to teach the students a skill they can use throughout their lives while also creating a safe environment for them to express themselves and hold open communication with me and my volunteers. I held my capstone project at Martha Washington and I had two volunteers along with my mentor and me. We taught eleven students how to crochet. The club lasted for seven weeks once a week on Tuesdays from 4 pm to 5:30 pm. I taught the students how to crochet a hat and gave them a crochet starter kit to continue crocheting once the program was over. The proudest thing I achieved from this club was being able to know that the students enjoyed the club and would do it again. It made an impact on their lives they hopefully remember.

Crocheting For A Cause
Crocheting For A Cause
Bibliography Link below https://docs.google.com/document/d/14aGsoWFM_FXXVMkQJP1S4nCF_zZICza_kJjUSKujPY8/edit?usp=sharing
