Hillary Hernandez Slide
From the critique of my slide I learned that I should include brighter and clearer pictures. As well as that they should all be the same size and that they should be aligned with each other. That I should use up the most space as possible and alligin both flags with the letters.
I made the changes I did to my slide because wanted to include brighter pictures and less pictures. So I wouldn't overcrowd it as much and I made those pictures bigger. Than I fixed my quote because the one before was a picture and it was blurry so for this one I decided to type it and make it bigger.
During my research I learned that you have to put something in the middle and have that pop and than I put two things along side of that to balance it out. Than I put something in the middle so it would balance the top. I aligned all of them and made sure there was no random spaces
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