How to Lie With Statistics: Podcast #1

Group: The Math People (Ronald, Mabintu, and Rugei)
Covered: Chapters 1-4

In this podcast, we discussed our opinions about scenarios and ideas present in chapters 1, 2, 3, and 4. For each chapter, we spent a brief amount of time bringing up a point in the book that we found to be controversial or important pertaining to statistics in the real world. Each member of the group would then respond to the point that was brought up, telling whether we agreed or disagreed with the authenticity of it, and why we felt that way. We kept our debates as professional as possible, respecting everyone's ideas. After we exhausted each scenario, we moved on to the next one.
podcast 1 stat

Comments (1)

Mark Miles (Teacher)
Mark Miles
  1. Choose one of the quotations inside the front cover and discuss how it relates to the Introduction.
  2. Put the second paragraph on Page 18 (“A river cannot….”) into your own words.
  3. Comment on the last paragraph of Chapter 1.
  4. When we see an average reported, what do we need to ask besides which kind of average is being used? Why?