Humanities Final Portfolio 2013

During the 2012-2013 sophomore school year, the students in Block’s History and English classes focused on a variety of topics during the many units of both classes ranging from many eras, across different nations and on a variety of topics. What was consistent was the expectation to be able to connect everything we learned in a unique fashion. My general understanding of this school year is that “no one is innocent if you choose not to rise/step up to the occasion and that if you do choose to make a stand, being one (wo)man alone, you can make a big difference.”

“He tried to convince himself that he had nothing to do with the experiment, when he found out he wasn’t hurting the man, he then tried to separate himself from his unjustful doings.” - Excerpt from Torture and Obedience worksheet

In class, we watched a video of a man who believed he was inflicting pain to a participant just because he was told to. The patient was not actually being inflicted pain, as the man thought he was. Instead of challenging the authoritative figure who was simply telling the man to continue because “Its apart of the experiment”, he chose to ignore and not rise to the occasion. Another example of someone not rising to the occasion is Okonkwo, the main character in Things Fall Apart when he killed who he believed to be a son of his in Ikemufuna.

“One day the Oracle told the people of the village that they had to kill Ikemufuna as a sacrifice. Okonkwo, along with the other men of the village traveled into the forest. After Ikemufuna was struck with a fatal blow, he cried to his Okonkwo (as his father) then he ran toward Okonkwo in pity. To not show weakness, Okonkwo delivered the last blow that finished Ikemufuna off” - Excerpt from Quiz on Part 1 of Things Fall Apart

This is a great example of how people choose to put the not as important things and pride in front of what they know they should do and what they know is the right thing to do. This is what I call confused priorities. Okonkwo loved Ikemufuna more than his blood-son. But pride stood in the way of him showing his true emotions for him. Even though there may not have been much that Okonkwo  could do to save Ikemufuna, the least that he could have done was express his love toward him before he died. If the man chose to stand up to the man, he could have saved the patient from being inflicted pain (even though there wasn’t real pain being inflicted). Both did not stand up for what they believed in, so in my opinion both are guilty for their actions and have no explanation for their wrong doings.Which leads to the question “Why do humans treat each other badly”

“Humans treat each other badly because they some people do not have the courage to stand up for what is right, so they take the easy way out. Some because people they were treated badly of the when they were young and others simply because it is there make-up” - English Journal #6

Even though many choose to take the easy way out, there are some who do stand up for what they believe in and end up making a huge difference. These are the heros of the world, the people who make positive changes to their community.

“Jean Dominque had a huge impact on the people of Haiti because he used his access of radio communication to deliver positive messages of hope around the island” - Excerpt from The Agronomist

Jean Dominique is a terrific example of how one man can make a huge difference in his community. He understood the dangers of going against his government and faced death everyday. He had his station torn to pieces, shot at and ultimately was assassinated for his works. Jean Dominique was more than just a talk show host. He represented the heart and soul of Haiti the same way Gandhi did for India.

“Gandhi showed courage by turning the other cheek to the street thugs. He was willing to take physical blows to prove that he wouldn’t be turned away” - Gandhi Film Questions

Gandhi was not tall, strong or in any way physically threatening, but he was determined to prove a point. He fought for equality among the british and Indians. He was willing to risk his body in non violent retaliation and was able to defeat the British colonial power. Jean Dominique and Gandhi are examples of heros.

“Anyone has the chance to be a hero, heros are not just the famous but they are everyday people who choose to do the right thing, despite what they get out of the situation.” - English Journal #44

Standing up for what is right takes a strong, dedicated person. It takes courage to do the right thing and doing it at the fullest extent. The people who do the right thing and do not fold when the pressure and the spotlight is on them are the people who deserve to be recognized for their excellence.
