Jasir Massey-Campbell Public Feed
Food Benchmark Project
Partner: Amani Bey (separate analysis though)
1 lb. of lentils
half an onion
Chicken Broth
Coconut Milk
Butternut Squash
Tomato Paste
Brown onions and zucchini in a pot with vegetable oil
Add desired amount of pepper
Put in half a can of chicken broth
Bring to a rolling boil
Put the lentils in
In separate pot Combine 1/2 can of coconut milk, butternut squash paste, a dash of tomato paste and cumin, add pepper and cayenne to taste
Put the coconut mixture in the lentils once the broth in the lentils evaporate.
Let the lentils cook down until they become paste-like.
Chop and add spinach.
If needed, add more cumin and pepper to taste.
Lentils are one of the world’s healthiest food. They are the third highest of any legume or nut in protein by weight, only to be succeeded by soybeans and hemp. Lentils contain dietary fiber, vitamin B, folate and other essential minerals. Lentils can be grown in many types of conditions. The two leading countries in the production of lentils are Canada and India. Together, the account for over 50% of the worlds lentil production. The United States is 5th on the list. Lentils is a good choice if you need to lower cholesterol. It has high levels of soluble fiber which helps keep arteries clean. Lentils being a good source in folate and magnesium make it a good choice for people who are struggling with heart health. Magnesium improves blood flow and oxygen. Lentils have also been found to be able to help with blood sugar stabilization, weight loss, and increasing energy.
A bag of all natural whole lentils cost about $2 for a 16 oz bag. That equates to about 8 servings. That is under $0.30 a serving. This is a way better price compared to the unhealthy dollar menu that in the long run will cost more than one dollar if that person develops health issues. In this recipe, only 1/12 of the ingredients is processed. The rest are all natural ingredients.This is great because the consumer will not have to worry about whether there are harmful chemicals. Overall lentils is a great food option, not only is it extremely healthy, but it is also a product that does not cost a plentiful amount of money.
During this unit, I learned that food is a real essential topic in America. I learned that the food industry is larger than the food businesses themselves. It branches out into government agencies, health and fitness. I learned that making good food choices is not always getting the organic kind because organic doesn't mean natural. There are a lot of pretenders that advertise themselves as healthy but really are not. I think the problem with our food system is that we allow trash to be labeled as food. McDonalds, Wendy's, Pop-Tarts, Meat with multiple animals inside or chemicals and fillers. Nearly all foods in the supermarket that is boxed on shelves or in cans is unnecessarily unhealthy. Also, the healthier choice is too expensive and poorer people do not have the choice but to buy the unhealthier product. If I could make changes it would be to get rid of fast food places that sell half food, decrease organic food prices and distinguish healthy organic and not healthy. I would outlaw the ability to overprice the healthier option and under price the unhealthier option. Hopefully with these changes more people will have access to healthier food choices. I would if I could.
La Leyenda de los SAT’s (Student Assistant Teachers)
La Leyenda de los SAT’s (Student Assistant Teachers)
Erase una vez, señor Lehman y los profesores de SLA tenía una problema. Estaban cansados de enseñanza y clasificación el trabajo de muchos niños. El principio de SLA, señor Lehman celebró una reunión en la biblioteca a discutir los posibilidades que sería resolver la problema. Los profesores intentaron cortar el tamaño de clase pero entonces tendrían que extender el dia. Luego trataron de enviar a los niños a SLA beeber, pero nadie quiere ir allí. Lehman celebró unas reuniones por muchas semanas y semanas.
Un dia, despues mes de pensando sobre cómo resolver la problema, señor Lehman tenía una idea. Él preguntó los profesores si teniendo un extra person a ayudar con enseñanza y clasificación. Los profesores eran muy emocionado a oír que sugerencia de Lehman. Lehman continuada. Él dije que porque de los recortes presupuestarios, SLA no puede permitirse profesores nuevos. Lehman sugirió que los estudiantes sería capaz de ayudar. Los profesores se rió de él. No creían que los niños serían lo suficientemente maduros para hacer esta tarea. Lehman convenció a los profesores que iba a funcionar. Él preguntó el departamento de ciencias a crear un potion a hacer los estudiantes más responsable, más inteligente y mas comportarse. Señorita Echols, Dunda y Señor Sharief Fui a sus laboratorios para crearlo. Dos semanas más tarde, ellos trajeron la poción a Lehman. Este fue el comienzo de la creación del estudiante asistente de profesor.
Los profesores probaron la primera poción en la estudiantes más inteligente. Este año fue la primera clase de señor del SLA, se inició la tradición de sólo senors.Después este año, muchas personas debería voluntario estar un SAT. Mantener a los niños interesados, los profesores debería dar un crédito a los estudiantes. Muchos colegios gusta el programa SAT en SLA. La programa ayuda a las aplicaciones del estudiante senior destacan. Demuestra liderazgo, que esto es algo que agrada a las universidades.Esta es la leyenda de la estudiante asistente de profesora.
E4 U4 Proyecto - Father McEnroe
Artisto: Joan Miro
Nombre del arte: Le coqMi nombre es Father McEnroe, el sacerdote de un escuela privado en Santiago, Chile. Yo quiero igual oportunidad en mi escuela, por lo tanto yo invite a niños menos afortunados a la escuela. Yo quiero un escuela más diversa. Un escuela con niños de colores diferentes y chicos quien son ricos y pobre. En la empieza, los niños quien vivía en los barrios más ricos no quería interactuar con los niños nuevos. Tuve que mezclar los niños. Durante la hora del almuerzo, los pobres estaban recibiendo intimidado de los chicos ricos. Les grité. Les dije cómo se comportaban estupidos. Yo creo en los creencias de allende. La desigualdad en Chile es ridículo y yo estoy en contra.
Creo que esta pintura es vibrante y colorido. Me gusta la fusión de los colores y me gusta el horizonte poco ortodoxo. Hace el paiting único. Creo que la pintura es que una pintura de un gallo hace el trabajo interesante en una divertida manera también. El artista utiliza colores brillantes para emitir una vibración feliz. El arte es abstracto pero puede asumir ciertas cosas sobre del arte, como su ubicación. Veo un gallo en un lugar seco como un postre. Veo que el gallo "cock-a-doodling" por la mañana como en las viñetas.
En Chile en 1973 hubo mucha violencia innecesaria. Se creó un golpe militar para derrocar al actual Presidente, el Presidente Allende. Este golpe de estado llegó al poder después de la guerra fría, donde hubo agitación política entre el movimiento socialista y los conservadores del Congreso chileno. Los Estados Unidos y el presidente Richard Nixon ayudó a convertir el gobierno y la policía nacional contra Allende y a los pobres del país. Joan Miro dejó España para Francia en 1936 para evitar la guerra civil. Regresó en 1941 como los alemanes apoderaron de Francia. Miro hizo 'Le Coq' en febrero de 1940 en Varengeville-sur-Mer, un pueblo de Normandía, Francia meses después de la segunda guerra mundial. Creo que tengo una conexión especial con esta pintura porque de la guerra civil factor común. Cuando veo esta pintura que veo un mañana mejor para la clase obrera y la clase media y que este es el gallo que va a despertarme hasta esa mañana. Yo veo mañana tener un líder que tomar poder de la clase alta y lo utiliza para mejor nuestro país.
En mi opinión, soy similar al artista elegí a imitar. Creo que compartimos rasgos de personalidad similares. Creo que somos dos cálido corazón. Ambos creemos en mezclar peras con manzanas para crear un mejor entendimiento de otros vidas.
Un dicatador de Guernica
Soy un dictador de Germania. Estuve soportando mi grupo los nazis. Durante mi tiempo como un dictador, yo discrimino contra afroamericanos y judíos. Soy responsable de la segunda guerra mundial y una incontable cantidad de muertes. Mi plan era gobernar el mundo y extender mi influencia.
¿Qué ves en la obra? ¿Cómo son los colores? Describe el tono.
En este obra de arte yo veo muerte. Los colores son gris, rojo y negro por que representa las los colores de mi partido politico.
¿Qué quiere decir el artista?
artista dice que debe de tener poder. Y para obtener ese poder, debes tener una comprensión de la vida y la muerte. Es decir por qué el artista utiliza colores como blanco, negro y gris que representa el entre de la vida y muerte.
¿Qué comunica/significa la obra para ti?
No significa nada para mí. No soy una persona que valora el arte mucha
¿Te gusta? ¿Por qué la escogiste?
No. Creo que es feo y que cualquiera puede dibujar mal
3 Obras de arte
El Dictador de 1973
Todos Somos Ilegales - Outernational
Cuando yo oi la cancion, me gustó inmediatamente por el sonido. “Todos Somos Ilegales” por Outernational tenia mas energia. La canción es sobre la idea de que todos los personas en EEUU son ilegal y que a los personas quien piensas que inmigrantes son mal y no son derecha. Mi línea favorita es “la tierra donde estamos de pie, cada pulgada de el robada la línea es poderosa.” No me gusta la historia de América por eso razón. Yo creo que América son responsable por muchas problemas en sociedad. Personas en América discrimina contra inmigrantes por sus etnicidad. La canción es sobre como todos personas en American son illegal y immigrantes. Y como los colonos robe la tierra que vive en de los indígenas de la tierra. Outernational son famosa por sus genre políticas y canciones radicales. Se describen para ser inspiracional para mi generación. Outernational graba poemas tambien. Ellos usan muchas formas de la escritura para demostración, lucha por las derechas y lucha por igualdad.
La instrumentación y las letras de la canción trabajando en una armonía única. Todos Somos Ilegales es un rap y rock y una poema. La canción no es como un rap tradicional. Es un fusion con rock. La instrumentación es como rock pero los palabras es como rap. Los palabras es en ingles no esta en español. El video musical tenía subtítulos en español. En la instrumentación tu oyes la trompeta, los tambores y la guitarra eléctrica. La mensaje de la canción es a promover paz y justicia por inmigrantes en Las Américas. Pero en específicamente en los Estados Unidos. Ellos habla sobre los problemos en sus sistema de inmigración y proporcionar datos sobre la historia de la inmigración en América.
Cuando lo escucho, yo oigo sinceridad. En mi opinión, me gusta la canción. Por lo general, yo no escucho a rock. Me gusta el bajo y el ritmo rápido. La música de rock que he escuchado fue lento y aburrido. Cuando yo escucho a la música, yo quiero oír un canción que hago bailar. . Yo respeto rock, pero no me gusta a escucharía. Eso canción es entretenido y informativo. Lo que me gusta la mayoría es la mensaje. Me gusta que la gente aviso el problemo. Outernational son activistas y quieran un mayoría mundo. O por lo menos un mayoría país. Yo no tengo un conexión personal con la canción pero yo apoyo los inmigrantes y activistas quien lucha por derechas de los inmigrantes. Yo creo que la gente debería ser más consciente de los problemas de la inmigración. Es importante a recordar que América es un hogar para todos.
Mi mural "Plabras Importantes" E. Johnson St y Morton St.
Jasir Massey-Campbell
Mi nombre es Jasir. Yo vivo en Filadelfia en los suburbios de Mt Airy. Mi barrio es pequeño y muy tranquillo. Yo he vivido en mi casa por once años. Me gusta mi barrio porque no es muy ruidoso. Yo creo que es relajante. Mi barrio es amable y limpio. Cerca de mi casa, hay un Wawa y una pandaria. No me gusta el paseo a mi escuela. Para poder llegar a la escuela, tengo que tomar un autobús, un tren y un tranvía para poder llegar a la escuela. Los buses y trenes están cerca también. Los barrios buenos necesitan silencio y vecinos buenos en opinión. Cuando yo pienso sobre Uptown, yo pienso de Wawa en la avenida Germantown. George Washington y Thomas Jefferson vivian en mi barrio antes. Aunque a mi no me importa mucho que dos personas importante en la historia de los Estados Unidos vivieron en mi barrio, a otras personas le importa mucho. Un cosa que quiero es mas arte en mi comunidad. Hay muchos árboles en mi barrio, y son muy bonitos.También, mi barrio tiene muchas negocios pequeños. Una parte favorita de mi barrio es La Tranvía. El Tranvía es un helado salon. En La Tranvia, tu puedes comprar helado y granizado.
Arte es un forma de expresión. Arte no es solamente visual pero también puede ser lo que oyes.Música es una forma de arte. Hip Hop real es mi tipo de favorito. Eso es un differente tipos de Hip Hop. No me gusta la misma música que todo el mundo escucha. El propósito de arte es para hacerte feliz tranquilizarte. Yo pienso que arte tiene muchos mensajes. Tu puedes hacer muchos mensajes a cualquier persona. Arte puede ser bonito, pero también puede hacer un crimen. Vandalismo, si tu arte es ilegal es vandalismos.
Hay un parque llamado "Mallery" que está a pocas cuadras de mi casa. Mallery es un “rec center” y tiene una pared vacía que sería perfecto para mi mural. Mallery es un lugar que muchos de los jóvenes juegan al baloncesto y ir a pasar el rato. Los niños de todas las edades y adultos ir a Mallery. Si mi mural era real, yo creo que seria mas agradable. También es un lugar en el que algunos pase violencia, pero en general es un lugar agradable para estar. Arte es un buen idea siempre para barrios. Arte is muy importante porque, puede cambiar un dia de alguien.
Para mi mural yo quiero hacer una pared con palabras significativas. Propósito es tener palabras que son inspiradoras por las personas en mi barrio. Quiero Que los ninos en mi barrio tengan algo que los hagan sonreir . También me sentiría orgulloso de mi trabajo. Las palabras simbolizan esperanza, inspiración y felicidad. Yo quiero que el fondo de mi mural sea abstracto y tener muchas colores. En general, yo quiero que sea hermoso. Quiero que reducir la violencia en mi barrio y hacer un mejor lugar.
Oda de Zapata
Jasir Massey-Campbell
Emiliano Zapata fuera un revolucionario en la Revolución de México. Zapata tuve un alencia con Madero quien fue corriendo para precedencia. El fuera un general y luchó contra Díaz
Una Oda a Zapata
valiente, fuerte y inteligente
Cuando yo te veo pienso de un líder
Me haces mavarillarse
Tú es mi inspiracion
Mi Marca
E4 U1 Chimp mask
Me llamo Jasir Massey-Campbell. Nací el 31 de marzo de 1997. Nací en Filidelfia, PA. Los nombres de mis padres es Bethany y Rashaan. Mi nombre de es muy popular en la cultura musulman, pero no es musulman. Juego los videojuegos por divercíon y mirrar baloncesto mucho. Me gusta NBA mucho. Me gusta hacer y hablar con mis amigos.
Soy amable, pero a veces puedo ser muy sarcastico. Me gusta hacer los bromas. Algunas personas pensar que antipático, pero no me conocen. Me gusta a hacer rier a la gente. Cuando mis amigos es contento, soy contento. Soy tranquilo, maduro y sensato. Mis amigos no lo creo. Soy creativo y imagenativo. Crae que soy un artista, un artista que no dibuje. Soy independente, no me gusta a pedir ayuda, pero necessito a. Me cae bien con muchas person pero no me gusta la gente que miente o inmaduro. Estoy orgulloso de mí mismo. Yo creo que ser muy inteligente y talentoso. Puedo usar la computadora mejor que la mayoria de la gente. Quierro ser un programador. Me gusta SLA y mis profesores pero no me gusta escuela. El trabajo no es difícil, es tedioso.
En mis relaciones académicas, por la mayoría parte, tengo un buen relacíon con mis profesores. No me gusta matematicas porque Señor Reddy es muy autoritario y muy sarcasticó. Él es no sensible para otras personas. La tarea es muy dificíl y yo hago agobiado y disgustado. Me cae bien con Señora Rami. Me gusta la clase de íngles muchas más. Rami es muy graciósa y intaligente. Me otras clases es bien tambien y los otros profesores es simpáticos. Me gusta mi mejor amigos pero mi amigos no ambale, sensato o sensible. Ellos tocaño y muy antipatico. No se por que ellos es mi amigos. Mis amigos es gracioso y pueden ser simpático a veces pero es muy raro. Confiazo mis amigos. No tengo amigos falso. Mi amigos no es tradicional, somos diferentes. No me gusta mis amigos, pero me encantala. Tengo muchos amigos differentes. Tengo amigos por hablas
Yo no estoy narcissista, sin embargo yo hago pensar que yo es impresionante. Estoy ansioso a veces, especialmente cuando es acerca de deportes o trabajo. Me gusta jugar videojuegos muchas mas. A mi me gusta compentencia muchas mas tambien. Yo hace disgustado cuando yo perdido. Me cae bien con muchas personas. Yo estoy preocupado cuando escuela mucho poque yo necessito a conseguir aceptado a universidad bien. Vive in Filídelfia todo mi vida. Soy amable, pero a veces puedo ser muy sarcastico. Algunas personas pensar que antipático, pero no me conocen. Me gusta a hacer rier a la gente. Cuando mis amigos es contento, soy contento. Soy tranquilo, maduro y sensato. Mis amigos no lo creo. Me cae bien con muchas person pero no me gusta la gente que miente o inmaduro. Estoy orgulloso de mí mismo. Yo creo que ser muy inteligente y talentoso. Me gusta SLA y mis profesores pero no me gusta escuela. El trabajo no es difícil, es tedioso. Soy creativo yimagenativo. Soy independente, no me gusta a pedir ayuda. Pero necessito a.
En fin soy quien soy. Son pocos los que me entienden y muchos de los que no. Soy independiente y responsible. Mi mascaras es un mono porque es amble y comico como yo. No es odioso como yo y no es ruidoso. Soy similar que los monos.
English Q1 Benchmark: "The Prince"
Jasir Massey-Campbell
Due: 10/25/13
The Prince by Machiavelli
There are many people who crave power, diplomats, politicians, congressman, business owners and more importantly everyday people. The will to be in control is a trait popular among all life. The Prince is a guide to establish a sphere influence and properly maintain a successful government. The renowned author, Niccolò Machiavelli (1469 -1527) born in Florence, Italy has gathered one of the most popular collections of chapters regarding the creation and conservation of a potent government. His assembly of strategic chapters allows a reader to immerse themselves in the mind of one of the most profound political analyst. Each page reveals the techniques and strategy of gaining and keeping political control. Machiavelli extensive research reveals his thoughts on conspiracies, merit, goodness, first impressions, flattery and fortune.The book originally drafted in 1513 in Latin was then republished a few years later in 1532 which is 5 years after Machiavelli’s death.
Machiavelli was an historian, politician, diplomat, philosopher, and writer in Florence during the Renaissance. For many years Machiavelli was an official in the Florentine Republic. He had responsibilities in diplomatic and military affairs. He is a founder of modern political science and also wrote comedies, songs, and poetry.He wrote The Prince, when the Medici had power and when he no longer held a position of responsibility in Florence.This 16th century writing style, and sophistication of the level of words he incorporates in his piece developed into a poetic language which may take some time to fully understand. There are less than 150 pages yet there are very few who’ve addressed this book as a quick and easy read. Still, well known Universities’ philosophy and political classes use this book because of its deep research. Its is amazing how Machiavelli was able to create a book and still have his knowledge preserved over hundreds of years. He starts his book strong and lays foundation for the tone of the book.
“All states and dominions which hold or have held sway over mankind are either republics or monarchies. Monarchies are either hereditary in which the rulers have been for many years of the same family, or else they are of recent foundation. The newly founded ones are either entirely new, as was the Milan to Francesco Sfroza or else they are, as it were, new members[...]”
A reason that his book is short is because he gets to the point. He supplies the reader with the message he wants to convey and very little of anything else. Machiavelli also chose not to worry about transition. Each chapter is him laying down one point after the other. Chapter after chapter. After chapter one where he talks about the various kinds of government and the way that they are established he dives into the next couple of chapters where he begins describing the subcategories of government.
I had high expectations for this book and all expectations were met. Even reading this book twice, I am still looking forward in continuing my studies of this book as well as other popular books regarding government. What struck me was how powerful and true this book is. Many of these tactics in many areas of profession are still used today. This showed how precise his research had to have been. This is a reason why he is one of the most important people in the realm of political science. I would suggest to someone who is truly interested in the knowledge this book possesses, to really devote and invest their time on every sentence so that they may fully procure the information. Many who enjoy reading philosophy may also be interested in The 48 Laws or Power by Robert Greene which is a similar book in which it talks about how to build and maintain influence. Philosophy is important because these skills are not just for people who want to gain economic power but can be used by anyone who seek to gain an advantage over an enemy. The Prince is a good read regardless of what genre is of preference. Even if one may not fully be able to understand all of the ideas, which many still do not, they will be able to find at minimal one thing that could potentially better themselves.
Title: The Priince
Author: Machiavelli
Publisher: Antonio Blado d'Asola.
Date of publication: 1532
Number of pages: 127
Genre: Philosophy
Personalidad de mi máscara
Mi nombre es Jasir Massey-Campbell. Nacio en 3 de marzo en Filadelfia. Los nombres de mis padres es Bethany y Rashaan. Vivo en Filadelfia tambien. Mi nombre de es muy popular en la cultura musluman, pero no es musluman. Juego los videojuegos por divercíon y mirrar baloncesto mucho. Me gusta NBA mucho. Me gusta hacer y hablar con mis amigos.
Soy amable, pero a veces puedo ser muy sarcastico. Me gusta hacer los bromas. Algunas personas pensar que antipático, pero no me conocen. Me gusta a hacer rier a la gente. Cuando mis amigos es contento, soy contento. Soy tranquilo, maduro y sensato. Mis amigos no lo creo. Soy creativo y imagenativo. Crae que soy un artista, un artista que no dibuje. Soy independente, no me gusta a pedir ayuda, pero necessito a. Me cae bien con muchas person pero no me gusta la gente que miente o inmaduro. Estoy orgulloso de mí mismo. Yo creo que ser muy inteligente y talentoso. Puedo usar la computadora mejor que la mayoria de la gente. Quierro ser un programador. Me gusta SLA y mis profesores pero no me gusta escuela. El trabajo no es difícil, es tedioso.
En mis relaciones académicas, por la mayoría parte, tengo un buen relacíon con mis profesores. No me gusta matematicas porque Señor Reddy es muy autoritario y muy sarcasticó. Él es no sensible para otras personas. La tarea es muy dificíl y yo hago agobiado y disgustado. Me cae bien con Señora Rami. Me gusta la clase de íngles muchas más. Rami es muy graciósa y intaligente. Me otras clases es bien tambien y los otros profesores es simpáticos. Me gusta mi mejor amigos pero mi amigos no ambale, sensato o sensible. Ellos tocaño y muy antipatico. No se por que ellos es mi amigos. Mis amigos es gracioso y pueden ser simpático a veces pero es muy raro. Confiazo mis amigos. No tengo amigos falso. Mi amigos no es tradicional, somos diferentes. No me gusta mis amigos, pero me encantala. Tengo muchos amigos differentes. Tengo amigos por hablas
Yo no estoy narcissista, sin embargo yo hago pensar que yo es impresionante. Estoy ansioso a veces, especialmente cuando es acerca de deportes o trabajo. Me gusta jugar videojuegos muchas mas. A mi me gusta compentencia muchas mas tambien. Yo hace disgustado cuando yo perdido. Me cae bien con muchas personas. Yo estoy preocupado cuando escuela mucho poque yo necessito a conseguir aceptado a universidad bien. Vive in Filídelfia todo mi vida. Soy amable, pero a veces puedo ser muy sarcastico. Algunas personas pensar que antipático, pero no me conocen. Me gusta a hacer rier a la gente. Cuando mis amigos es contento, soy contento. Soy tranquilo, maduro y sensato. Mis amigos no lo creo. Me cae bien con muchas person pero no me gusta la gente que miente o inmaduro. Estoy orgulloso de mí mismo. Yo creo que ser muy inteligente y talentoso. Me gusta SLA y mis profesores pero no me gusta escuela. El trabajo no es difícil, es tedioso. Soy creativo yimagenativo. Soy independente, no me gusta a pedir ayuda. Pero necessito a.
Soy quien soy. Son pocos los que me entienden y muchos de los que no. Soy independiente y responsible. Mi mascaras es un conejito porque es amble y tranquillo como yo. No es odioso como yo y no es ruidoso. Soy similar que los conejitos.
#Write2Connect-National Day of writing
Writting helps me connect because it is a way for me to express my thoughs on paper. I love beign to share ideas with a collective gorup. I can not say that I am fond of writing but I do like communication. I honestly dont know what else to say.
Diario #5
Vive in Filídelfia todo mi vida. Soy amable, pero a veces puedo ser muy sarcastico. Algunas personas pensar que antipático, pero no me conocen. Me gusta a hacer rier a la gente. Cuando mis amigos es contento, soy contento. Soy tranquilo, maduro y sensato. Mis amigos no lo creo. Me cae bien con muchas person pero no me gusta la gente que miente o inmaduro. Estoy orgulloso de mí mismo. Yo creo que ser muy inteligente y talentoso. Me gusta SLA y mis profesores pero no me gusta escuela. El trabajo no es difícil, es tedioso. Soy creativo y imagenativo. Soy independente, no me gusta a pedir ayuda. Pero necessito a.
Diario #4
Me gusta mi mejor amogos pero mi amogos no ambale, sensato o sensible. Ellos tocaño y muy antipatico. No se por que ellos es mi amogos. Mis amigos es gracioso y pueden ser simpático a veces pero es muy raro. Confiazo mis amigos. No tengo amigos falso. Mi amigos no es tradicional, somos diferentes. No me gusta mis amigos, pero me encantan.
Diario #3: Las relaciones académicas
- En cuanto mis relaciones académicas, por la mayoría parte, tengo un buen relacíon con mis profesores. No me gusta matematicas porque Señor Reddy es muy autoritario y muy sarcasticó. Él es no sensible para otras personas. La tarea es muy dificíl y yo hago agobiado y disgustado. Me cae bien Señora Rami. Me gusta la clase de íngles muchas más. Rami es muy graciósa y intaligente. Me otras clases es bien tambien y los profesores es simpáticos.
Diario 2: Jasir Massey-Campell
Diario #1: ¿Cómo soy?
Español Cuatro
- Jasir Massey-Campbell
Humanities Final Portfolio 2013
During the 2012-2013 sophomore school year, the students in Block’s History and English classes focused on a variety of topics during the many units of both classes ranging from many eras, across different nations and on a variety of topics. What was consistent was the expectation to be able to connect everything we learned in a unique fashion. My general understanding of this school year is that “no one is innocent if you choose not to rise/step up to the occasion and that if you do choose to make a stand, being one (wo)man alone, you can make a big difference.”
“He tried to convince himself that he had nothing to do with the experiment, when he found out he wasn’t hurting the man, he then tried to separate himself from his unjustful doings.” - Excerpt from Torture and Obedience worksheet
In class, we watched a video of a man who believed he was inflicting pain to a participant just because he was told to. The patient was not actually being inflicted pain, as the man thought he was. Instead of challenging the authoritative figure who was simply telling the man to continue because “Its apart of the experiment”, he chose to ignore and not rise to the occasion. Another example of someone not rising to the occasion is Okonkwo, the main character in Things Fall Apart when he killed who he believed to be a son of his in Ikemufuna.
“One day the Oracle told the people of the village that they had to kill Ikemufuna as a sacrifice. Okonkwo, along with the other men of the village traveled into the forest. After Ikemufuna was struck with a fatal blow, he cried to his Okonkwo (as his father) then he ran toward Okonkwo in pity. To not show weakness, Okonkwo delivered the last blow that finished Ikemufuna off” - Excerpt from Quiz on Part 1 of Things Fall Apart
This is a great example of how people choose to put the not as important things and pride in front of what they know they should do and what they know is the right thing to do. This is what I call confused priorities. Okonkwo loved Ikemufuna more than his blood-son. But pride stood in the way of him showing his true emotions for him. Even though there may not have been much that Okonkwo could do to save Ikemufuna, the least that he could have done was express his love toward him before he died. If the man chose to stand up to the man, he could have saved the patient from being inflicted pain (even though there wasn’t real pain being inflicted). Both did not stand up for what they believed in, so in my opinion both are guilty for their actions and have no explanation for their wrong doings.Which leads to the question “Why do humans treat each other badly”
“Humans treat each other badly because they some people do not have the courage to stand up for what is right, so they take the easy way out. Some because people they were treated badly of the when they were young and others simply because it is there make-up” - English Journal #6
Even though many choose to take the easy way out, there are some who do stand up for what they believe in and end up making a huge difference. These are the heros of the world, the people who make positive changes to their community.
“Jean Dominque had a huge impact on the people of Haiti because he used his access of radio communication to deliver positive messages of hope around the island” - Excerpt from The Agronomist
Jean Dominique is a terrific example of how one man can make a huge difference in his community. He understood the dangers of going against his government and faced death everyday. He had his station torn to pieces, shot at and ultimately was assassinated for his works. Jean Dominique was more than just a talk show host. He represented the heart and soul of Haiti the same way Gandhi did for India.
“Gandhi showed courage by turning the other cheek to the street thugs. He was willing to take physical blows to prove that he wouldn’t be turned away” - Gandhi Film Questions
Gandhi was not tall, strong or in any way physically threatening, but he was determined to prove a point. He fought for equality among the british and Indians. He was willing to risk his body in non violent retaliation and was able to defeat the British colonial power. Jean Dominique and Gandhi are examples of heros.
“Anyone has the chance to be a hero, heros are not just the famous but they are everyday people who choose to do the right thing, despite what they get out of the situation.” - English Journal #44
Standing up for what is right takes a strong, dedicated person. It takes courage to do the right thing and doing it at the fullest extent. The people who do the right thing and do not fold when the pressure and the spotlight is on them are the people who deserve to be recognized for their excellence.
English Journal #6
Humans treat each other badly because they some people do not have the courage to stand up for what is right, so they take the easy way out. Some because people they were treated badly of the when they were young and others simply because it is there make-up
English Journal Entry #44
Anyone has the chance to be a hero, heros are not just the famous but they are everyday people who choose to do the right thing, despite what they get out of the situation.
Most heros are everyday people.
heros go against the conformity of the group
Anyone has the potential to be a hero
History Journal #37
Colonialism is a method used to control another civilization by enforcing your ideas and beliefs as well as maintaining a military power. Colonialism is the ability to control the countries, government, laws and economy. It is a strategy to turn the "uncivilized" into the oppressors image.
English Journal #34
I define freedom to be the ability to live without fear, be able to govern yourself and you environment. I define it this way because if you have no choice in the way you live by, if you cannot have an impact on the laws that are in place you do not control yourself, similar to being controlled by a puppeteer. If your actions are being pre-determined how are you free?
Crossing Boundraies Podcast
Language Auto _ Massey-Campbell
Language Autobiography
“What is language?” This question may seem incomplex, but it is all but simple. The common person when asked this question would most likely answer that language is “the way people communicate” or “language is the words you say to divulge your thoughts to someone.” Although this is true, I do not simply see language as being simple. Language is displayed as being something compounded of simple characteristics, but under the basic basis of what language is, language is more complicated than being just the way we communicate.
There are an approximated 6800 different types of languages different groups of people speak in the world. Yes, there are the different human classified languages like English, German and Spanish. But there are sub-languages. There are of as many sub-languages as there are people. Many will define language as the way you speak, or what you speak or how you communicate with others. So if this is true, does anyone communicate the same? Do any of us speak the same way? I believe we are all unique in the way we speak. If we spoke the same way, if we had the same vocabulary, we would not be able to distinct ourselves verbally. A verbal conversation is simply blind communication. Although it is everything but simple. If we all communicated using the same language it would be like talking to ourselves in a full body-mirror. We all have something that makes our voice unique, whether it be the tone in which we speak, how deep our voice is, if we speak straight or if we sometimes sta-sta-stutter when we speak.
At Germantown Friends School you were instantly judged and classified by the way you presented yourself through your appearance, the way you dress and the way you speak. Once you were judged you were put in a social class. These social classes most times excluded African Americans although not putting them at the bottom of the social hierarchy. African Americans were expected to speak in slang, to have a lazy tongue and to be stupid. Although this was the ideal, it was in a way admired by the majority and African Americans to speak a language they do not necessarily speak. Many of my black friends spoke street slang to impress, and also because it felt expected in that community. A caucasian girl, who all of the boys eyed. Many would do anything to go with her. An advantage that we had was that she had a huge adoration for the “black male” who lived the street life. This was one of the reasons many of them would act the way they did. I did not allow myself to fall into the pre-labeling stereotypes of the black male. My time at GFS did not allow me to feel that I could truly express or speak in a way that was natural. I found myself not trying to fall into the black male stereotypes around the caucasian students, and when I was around my black friends I would speak more slang to be accepted. A rapper that I listen to had a verse that I believe describe my situation nicely. Thebe Neruda Kgositsile aka Earl Sweatshirt said in his song Chum “Too Black for the White kids and too White for the Blacks.” Earl was describing to us how his behavior was never completely acceptable for the white or black kids that he knew. Earl as well as I felt like outcast. We never truly fit in with regular crowds. I never had a group of friends that I would regularly hang out with. I was either tired of speaking in slang or tired of trying to impress a group of people that I didn’t need to.
When I am home, I begin to speak what I call my third language, also known as the language that I use to speak to my parents. When I talk to my parents I am allowed to have fun conversations with them, and my leniency with my speech is far from strict. Our relationship is casual enough for me to say “Hey mom!” but not in a sense that I still have to make sure I don’t say words such as “Chill”, “Stop drawlin”, “Ard”, “What’s up” and things of that nature. I am still obligated and expected to show a high level of respect with maturity when speaking to them. I know that I cannot use the same words (slang) that I would use when talking to a friend to talk to my mother or father. In my family many of them do not have children or do not have children my age so to the rest of my family I am expected to speak with the same respect I give my parents. All but a few cousins who are around my age am I able to feel comfortable speaking to them the way I desire.SLA is composed of many different ethnicities who are apart of different social backgrounds. Because SLA is in the middle of the city, it attracts people from all parts of Philadelphia. Transferring to Science Leadership Academy (SLA) really helped me find who I was. I feel like for once in my life I am able to talk the way that feels comfortable and natural. The awkwardness of trying to be accepted or feel wanted has diminished; instead I feel accepted and I feel wanted. This is now more of a certainty than a possibility. The people who are apart of the SLA community understand that there are many types of people in the world and that with those people come many different languages. I find the people here to not judge as much as the people did at GFS.There is not much to say about the dissimilarities other than that the differences between the way I talked to teachers at GFS are different than the way I talk to teachers here at SLA. Because GFS was a quaker school they did not require you to announce them by their last name or with a title (i.e. Mr. Ms. Mrs.) Here at SLA it is required to either call a teacher by his/her last name or with the title Mr., Mrs. or Ms.
My aim is to inform the readers that everyone is different, so never judge someone for something that makes them feel a way that is comfortable.
Keystone Pipeline Monologues
Monologue #1 "I know what I know and what I know is true"
(This monologue is about a southern father who gets a call from his son, the conversation begins to become an argument about if the pipeline is a good idea.)
Well howdy son! how’s college?
good, good... better be good, all dat money I’m spending on yous
Where am I? (sarcastically, surprised)
I’m in the ol’e shack? (laughs) The kitchen, you know what I mean.
you doing a what?
a surrr-vayy?
well son, sorry to dissapoint you but i do not know what a surrr-vayy is.
its a who?
oh i know, one of dem questionnaire thing-a-ma-bobers
yeah I heard about the Keystone xL, the greatest thing to come to america since the last four years.
son please repeat, you know I’m hard of hearing. For a second I thought you said you were against the pipeline. The american dream!
You are?!
Well son, you may be in a fancy college but let me educate you on this here project. The pipeline will create millions of american jobs, you know old Uncle Stewie will be getting a job, high payin too, if this pipeline goes through
ain’t no such thing as pollution
Are you against the american dream son? you know that if we pass this herrrr pipeline then we won’t have to rely on them god-forsaken foreigners. They don’t like americans why keep paying them then. let em die!
No, I am not being bias, I know what I know and what I know is true_
So what do you think?
Pueweyy! Bologna! SHI-!
I didn’t curse... (talks under his breath) little bastard
Son this pipeline will supply us cheap abundant and reliable energy.... This is why Romney know what’s best son.
No I am not just repeating the polo-tichians. I know what that means...
No Romney??? (puzzled face)
OBAMA?! (bangs fist on table) Obamaaaaaaaaa, is against the U.S. of A. He’s a muslim and secretly is building up the muslim brotherhood in the middle east within america! A muslim! A terrorist! how un american!!! He hates white people... (son hangs up the phone). Hello.. son? SON?! GOD-DAYUM THE LITTLE TURD! CHELLY! THE LITTLE TURD HUNG UP ON ME!
(the president ask his advisor about the pipeline. When informed he has to make a tough decision to please both pro and anti pipeline citizens.)
Hello, chief advisor Carl
Yes, please keep me (uhhhhh) up to date on the (uhhhh) ramifications that the keystone pipeline presents.
Hmmm, lets start with the (uhh) good things shall we
Please say again. It provides what...?
Oh, excuse me, US jobs, yes I understand.
How many jobs are we talking about
Millions (says surprised). I see. Anything else that I should know? Tell me how cost efficient it is.
The tar sands would provide cheap, abundant, reliable energy you say? huh? (uh) Soooo (uhhh) so far passing the pipeline seems like a no brainer. Wouldn’t you say?
No? well why in the world wouldn’t you?
Okay I’m listening
Look at from an environmental standpoint, you say. Tell me how the process of using this energy efficient material harms the American soil.
It will damage the climate. How so?
Increases greenhouse gas emissions... thats no good. We need to keep the environment safe. That is a top priority.
Well thats all I need sir, thank you for your time.
(hangs up phone)
(Thinks to himself)
Well what should I do?
(puts feet up on desk and hand on chin and takes deep breath)
(Thinks to himself)
If I approve this, the activist will hate me and I won’t win the next term
But if I don’t then the jobless will accuse me of being anti-american and i would still not win the next term
Think Barack. You are the president!
Ha, (puts finger in the air) maybe if I allow building and gathering of the tar sands without fully approving the whole thing, then everyone will be happy.
(picks up phone and dials numbers)
Hello, secretary Katie Johnson. Allow building of the pipeline in Texas but do not allow the whole thing to be built across the nation. No questions asked.
Yes that is all.
Monologue #3 "I can't believe you Ron"
(two men are in debate on how effective approving the pipeline would be.)
My wife is good, how about yours?
good good good... so lets get down to business. So what do you think about the pipeline?
Please tell me you are not serious...
GOD RON! HOW CAN YOU BE SO IGNORANT?! (throws hands in air in disgust)
WHAT! (throws hands up in the air in disgust) THOSE ARE LIES!
(stands up and begins walking nonchalantly around cubical)
mmmmhmmm yeah, right but.... but... but... LISTEN! you make valid points but what about the earth?
(comically mimicks ron)
What do you mean, what do you mean? Listen to the words coming (pause) out (pause) of (pause) my (pause) mouth! THE ENVIRONMENT! the…. NO DON’T CUT ME OFF YOU LISTEN! what about our future? our kids future? and their kids?
so ignorant! i can barely talk to you!
So what you’re saying is.....
I’m sorry you’re right, I won’t cut you off
Do I understand? (says sarcastically). I understand that yes jobs now are necessary. I also understand that your one tracked mind is clouding you from seeing the full picture RON.
(says in high voice) You want me to shed some light on the full picture for ya?
Okay first of all pollution in the air is already bad... (rolls eyes, starts making chatting motion with hands)
No duh not as bad as China’s but....
Thank you, now as I was saying.... this project will pollute the air, do we want it to get as bad as china’s, no we don’t so why make steps toward that?
Okay so we agree on something... Also It will not create as many jobs as they are advertising. We would be destroying people’s home and ruining american lives. Is the enrichment of one life worth the destruction of another?
pipes are effective but not full proof. what else?
THOUGHT SO... GOOD DAY TO YOU SIR. (rudely, abruptly hangs up phone)
1) "We will rely on allies instead of foreign countries" (video in class)
2) "Domestic oil prices will increase" (Fox News)
"Six Reasons Keystone XL Was a Bad Deal All along." Fox News. FOX News Network, 18 Jan. 2012. Web. 17 Oct. 2012. <http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2012/01/18/six-reasons-keystone-xl-was-bad-deal-all-along/>.
3) "Oil extraction from the tar sands emits three times more carbon waste than conventional oil extraction" (Friends of the Earth: Tar Sands)
4) "It will not be a major job producer" (Care 2)
"The Global Warming Cause." 5 Reasons Keystone XL Pipeline Is a Bad Idea. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Oct. 2012. <http://www.care2.com/causes/5-reasons-keystone-xl-pipeline-is-a-bad-idea.html?page=2>.
5) "Local economies within the route will benefit from increases in tax revenues and business activity" (TransCanada)
"TransCanada Corporation Home." TransCanada Corporation Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Oct. 2012. <http://www.transcanada.com/>.
jasirs project from Kennedy C on Vimeo.
Descriptive Essays (The Unexpected)
This school-day afternoon would be one of the memorable days of my life. Today taught me how to always expect the unexpected. It all started when my classmates and I had just walked into our classroom from our 11:35 lunch. Still filled with energy, we are going through a tough transition from a fun intense game of good’ole american football to a quiet learning environment. Smiles were painted on everyone’s faces, laughter filled the air and the 6th grade classroom smelled of old furniture. We all stood around chatting to our friends, waiting for the teacher to instruct us to sit down. Most of us were in the corner of the room where our small library was. No one really reads there, but it was a nice place to hang out because of the couches. Not all of us were misbehaving, there were the “goodie two-shoes” the “teacher’s pets”, Jake, Annie and Jamie, who sat diligently waiting for the teacher to arrive. We didn’t really like them much, they made everyone else in the class look terrible, even though in reality it was us who made ourselves look terrible. Our teacher June Ghondi, walked in the room. She was from Kenya and had a deep accent where she said every word deeper than normal and held on to the last syllable of the last word she said for a second too long. In her thick Kenyan accent she yelled.
“Jasir!” June yelled.
“Stop your daydreaming and get back to work!”
“My god...”
I looked over my shoulder and you can see the other children smirking. I don’t get it though. There are 20 plus other kids in this classroom and she only picks on me. I know that I am not the best student in the world, or the most respectful, but I don’t do anything that no one else has done. From the first week I stepped in this classroom I knew that she had it out for me. Other kids were talking, actually there are some talking right now. But of course June does nothing to them.
Ironically after I said that June began barking to some kids at the table on the west side of the room.
“You! Get out of my classroom!”
“I’m sorry I’ll-”
“No, Get out now! I told everybody to not say a word. C’mon now, get moving.” She said sarcastically.
The whole classroom grew wide smiles, but did not dare to laugh out loud in fear they would be the next person being sent out. Three children began packing their bags. There were 5 clusters of desk in June’s room, and each cluster was made of 4 desk. This left Annie, one of the teacher’s “dolls” all alone. As they were exiting the room, you can hear all of them talking under their breath.“If anyone wants me to give them feedback on what they have written, you can come to my desk.” June said.
Liliana, who is also apart of the teachers pet clan, quickly sprung out of her seat and ran to the stool next to June. The rest of the class began to acquire the desire to speak with her. Twelve of us had our hands raised. June knew our hands were raised , but she didn’t turn her head, trying to give us the impression that she doesn’t recognize us and no one wanted to speak because they did not want to be sent out. My question was simple. I wanted to know when our next draft of writing was due. My arm was fatigued from football so I dropped my arm and picked my pencil up after. My friend Imani was holding her hand up the longest. You can tell she was impatient because she kept saying “Spss” and frantically waving her arms back in forth, in hope of capturing June’s attention. She began to whisper to Hoshea who was sitting on the desk across from her.
“Imani! Go outside if you want to talk to Hoshea. Hoshea you join her so you can finish your conversation.*“I was asking her-”
“I don’t care. I said no talking. If you had a question you ask me.”
“But you-”
“I am not trying to hear it!”
This time people were not laughing or joking. I am not going to get kicked out. I told myself. Minute after minute someone was being kicked out of the classroom. Anand who was one of June’s favorites was even kicked out for saying thank you to someone who picked up his pencil for him when he dropped it. This kid named Rich, who was usually a troublemaker, and a person who talked during class was just as silent as me. Some kid next to him was talking, I couldn’t tell who, because I didn’t want to be falsely accused and get kicked out.
“Rich get out!” June yelled.
“That was me” Donavan said.
“Donavan get out too!”
Rich sat back down and continued his work.
“Rich I thought I told you to get out!”
“But Rich just admitted it was him?!”
“OUT! you’re talking now aren’t cha?”
“Oh my GOD!” Rich replied
Rich was silent but because of his reputation, he was also thrown out. I looked up at the clock. 2:25, ten more minutes to go then I am out of here!. I looked around the room and you would not be able to tell there was a class going on in here. Only 4 kids remained in the classroom, me, Gabby, Liana, who was still hogging the teacher and Annie. At the end of class, June walked to my desk.
I thought to myself. What does this bat want now?“Jasir.”
“Yes June” I said in an innocent voice
“I am very very proud of you...”
When she said those words to me I was astonished. She was proud of me. Those words caught me off guard. I would never bet on her to have ever said to me. I did not only learn to expect the unexpected but I learned that I am a good student. I learned that being the cool guy is not always the “cool” thing to do. A smile arose on my face and a sense of accomplishment filled me.
"Wow” This was all I could say.