Humanities Portfolio 2011
Block’s copper stream was an excellent year, I feel that I have learned a lot
throughout 2010-2011 school year. Even though I had my struggles I pulled
through and give it my all to reach my highest learning skills for this class.
We learned many wonderful things during this year and the one that I feel I had
a better understanding for was the poetry unit. This particular unit made me
feel better about expressing my thoughts and feelings into paper. Many of my
poems let me express many of my feeling and thoughts.
My wiki page shows many of my sampled poetry
and how I expanded my understanding into many ways of different poetry such an
sonnets and many other ways to express yourself. Here is some of the many poetries
on my Wiki Poetry page.
majority of my writings this year, I developed a better understanding of
general thoughts and thesis idea. Our first major writing assignment was our
Descriptive Writing piece. With this project we learned how to make scenes that are
vivid and descriptive; using extensive details and illustrative language;
making the scenes easy to “see” in the readers mind.
part of the Monologue Project, I wrote a play about a young girl that lives in
India and struggles with the educational problems that are going on in her
country because of the economy and their lack of money. This project gave me a
better understanding of how it feels to not be given the educational needs that
I am given freely. This assignment improved my skills in research and also in
my writing skills as a young play writer. This was a very fun project to work
on this year.
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