I know I already posted about them but...

People could learn a lot about family and responsibility from watching these eagles. 

When two bald eagles are attracted to one another and decide to mate, they stay together for the rest of their lives.  That means NO CHEATING!

Around that time, both the mother and father eagle go out and search for the perfect nesting site to lay their eggs.  They bring in more sticks and random fluff to make the nest nice and cozy.

Then, after the mother lays the eggs, the father eagle checks on her frequently and brings her fresh food.  He oftentimes grooms her and makes sure that she is happy.

When she is tired of sitting on the eggs, they switch nest duty.  The father sits on the eggs until mother returns.

After the babies hatch, both mother and father eagle take turns tending to the babies.  They keep the nest very warm by continuing to bring in new sticks, leaves, and animal pelts from their kill.  The babies are fed every two hours when they are young, and the parents continue to switch nest duty every so often.

Sometimes, the mother and father are both in the nest at the same time.  Usually, whoever is sitting on the babies will back up and let the babies poke their heads out so that the other eagle can feed them.  This is an adorable sight!

Because an eagle's nest is so high up in the tree, about 80 feet, storms are pretty harsh.  During heavy storms, the mother and father both spread out their wings to protect the babies from the cold wind and rain.  They keep the babies safe and secure at the very bottom of the nest.

When two people decide to have children, they take on a huge responsibility.  Humans sometimes disregard their duties as gaurdians, thus abandoning their children or neglecting them.  However, the Decorah Bald Eagles have been nesting for a very long time, and they clearly understand what it means to be parents.
