So I just recently got my ILP and my ILP is at my dance school. What I do is I help out in one of the teacher's; Ms.Kim in ballet and Jazz 1 class. Basically what I do is demonstrate how to do things in dance. Like if she says Plie and none of them know how to do it, I demonstrate the correct way to do it. Since I just got it on Wednesday I can't really say much about it but I will talk about the process of me getting it. The process was hard for me because at first I had no idea on what I wanted to do for my ILP. I know I wanted to do something fun and in the dance field because I love dancing. I thought since I'm at my dance school almost everyday I might as well try to get an internship there. But I was confused on what wanted to do there. I didn't know if I wanted to help out in a class, teach a class, or help out in the office. I also didn't know how to go about asking them for an ILP. Once we met with Jeremy he told us the correct way in asking for an ILP things likes what to say and what not to say and that really helped me out. After that meeting I met with one of the directors of the dance school and she told me to talk with Ms.Kim and ask her does she need help in her ballet and jazz class. I asked Ms.Kim and it was done from there I helped in her class and it was fun. 

Comments (1)

Erin Giorgio (Teacher)
Erin Giorgio

Thanks for sharing, Nadya! I appreciate how you shared your process for solidifying your ILP placement because a lot of students experience difficulty with this. Can you email me all of the details for your ILP (ie. name of dance studio, contact person with email/phone number)? Thanks!