Nadya Negron Public Feed
Advanced Essay #4: Hallways to Cellblocks
I walked through the gated doors and was greeted by the school police officer. “Arms out, legs apart. You know the drill!” she yelled in a Spanish accent. It was a daily routine for us and our young middle school minds thought nothing of it. We didn’t know our uniforms would turn into jumpsuits and our teachers would turn into our parole officers. They conditioned us like prisoners. I don’t remember a day I didn’t hear “tuck your shirt in” or “get out of the hallway.” We were forced to walk in straight lines to our classrooms as if we were inmates walking to our cells. We were never treated as students because we never were. Our textbooks shackled us to the table and didn’t allow us to move. They claim they did this because they wanted us to succeed but how can you teach me to live the life of a prisoner but excel in the world of the “free?” Too many public schools in today’s society confuse “educate” with “discipline.” Instead of educating the youth they mold them into model inmates ready to be shipped off to next prison they build.
From the NY Times Article, School-to-Prison Pipeline, it talked about what criminalizing students can do to them “However, by criminalizing routine disciplinary problems, they have damaged the lives of many children by making them more likely to drop out and entangling them, sometimes permanently, in the criminal justice system.” By introducing a child to criminal justice system you entangle them into that lifestyle forever. Majority of these problems exist in inner city schools. All of these problem stemmed from the Zero tolerance policy. The Zero tolerance policy was introduced to all schools in the U.S. in 1994. What the policy does is require school officials to hand down specific, consistent, and harsh punishment to its students. This conditions students to live the life of a prisoner before they even commit a real crime.
From an article by Annette Fuentes she talks about the minor things children would be punished for “Disrupting class, using profanity, acting up on a school bus, truancy, and fighting in a school hallway can lead to a class C misdemeanor ticket and a court appearance for the student and her/his parent, plus court costs of up to $500.” Minor offenses like these put children in the criminal justice system, jeopardizing their future careers and virtually erasing their past, no matter how great it might have been. They punish children like this in inner city schools because they know they are more likely to be incarcerated. Approximately 12-13 % of Americans are African-American but they constitute 1 million of the total 2.3 million incarcerated population. Inner city schools are filled with minorities and they are conditioned to live the life they are expected to live. They prepare them for jumpsuits by correcting their uniforms and prepare them for sentencing with suspensions.
We should not have our school systems like prisons. This eventually affects them tremendously in the future, and we should not put our children through this. We should come together to end this issue and evolve our schools and our communities to make them safer instead of dangerous.
The Editorial Board. "The School-to-Prison Pipeline." The New York Times. The New York Times, 29 May 2013. Web. 16 Mar. 2017. <>.
Fuentes, Annette. "Arresting Development (1).pdf." Google Docs. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Mar. 2017.Advanced Essay #3: The "Right" Skin
For my essay my guiding question was In what ways does social media cultivate or challenge media? I tried to incorporate my own experience with black identity and how social media shaped that. The goal I set for myself is to establish the struggles of being a black women and feeling like you're in constant competition with people you should be united with. I tried to make my essay as relatable as possible which I why I chose to use one of my real experiences. I feel like I did a really good job expanding on this topic and really identifying a problem within social media.
It was the summer of 2012, on a cool Tuesday morning in the middle of July. I was awakened by the smell of burnt bacon and the almost never ending sound of the smoke alarm. I ran down the stairs to find my brother almost burning down the house. My mom and I rushed to get a towel to calm down the alarm. The piercing sound finally became calm my mom then yelled and me and my brother
“Hurry up and get dress we’re going to be late”
I wasn’t exactly sure where we were going, but I wasn’t passing up any opportunity to leave the house. She made sure to tell us to pack bathing suits; I was hoping we were going to an indoor pool. Oh, how I loved indoor pools. It was never too hot or too cold; always just right. Best thing of all-there wasn’t that burning sun on my back. We drove in the car for almost three hours and to to my dismay, we pulled up to the beach. Don’t get me wrong, the beach was fun; the nice cool breeze in my hair, the clear water, the tangy smell of sea salt in the air, but there was just that one thing: the sun. I hated the sun for one good reason I hated the fact that it made my complexion darker. When my skin was a shade darker, I used to feel as if that changed who I was and how people perceived me. I used to scroll on instagram and see all the memes talking about light skin black girls compared to brown skin or dark skin black girls. On my timeline in particular, light skin girls were always seen as “the prettier girl” so in my eyes I had to be as light as possible. Even in songs you would hear “light skin is the right skin.” For me, I never considered myself light skin until I started using social media and seen the huge debate between the different complexions and even the stereotypes. If I was going to be anything I had to be light skin because according to my instagram feed that was the right skin.
This idea of colorism shaped my identity as a young black women. It put black females against each other as if it was a competition and the people who determined the winners were the black men. They made females compete for their attention by demeaning their complexion and making them feel as if they weren’t the same. Black men controlled the women’s identity and social media controlled theirs. Social media fueled the idea that light skin black women were supposed to look this way and act a certain way and then undermine the black women who weren’t that complexion and try to poison their worth. A culture that’s supposed to be united was divided. Instead of uplifting all black women as the queens they are the men put them against each other because of these unobtainable ideals of black women cluttered their minds. They gained the satisfaction of seeing them fight for their attention and they fed off of it.
In Colin Daileda’s article Race related conversation remain divided on social media he talks about how many black people talk about or see conversations about race “Around 68 percent of black people who use social media say they see posts about race and relations on their social media feeds, and 28 percent of them say they tweet and post about race as well.” Black people unite on topics like #BlackLivesMatter or #BlackTwitter but never on uplifting our women. Colorism stems all the way back to slavery the only reason light skin black women were seen as “prettier” is because they were closest to white. This idea was instilled in black minds and pushed into social media. The modern way of putting black women down.
Social media has it’s own flaws. It amplifies the wrong things and sometimes the right things. But it has challenged black identity in particular. It gives the men the idea and they push that idea onto black women tarnishing their identity before they even realize what it is. They shape themselves accordingly until they see fit. With no real idea of their true self or actual worth just the perception that social media gives them.
Daileda, Colin. "Race-related conversations remain divided on social media." Mashable. Mashable, 16 Aug. 2016. Web. 18 Jan. 2017.Advanced Essay #2: Black Barbie
Writing this essay really helped me explore what I went through in my years before high school and how I experienced literacy. It helped open my eyes to things I never actually thought about until now. How in schools they try to limit your reading and your literacy to one thing or one culture and same with home. People often look over it without actually realizing what they are doing. I am very proud of how I incorporated my scene of memory into my actual piece and larger idea. Something I can improve on as writer is trying to make connections within my writing and also my use of commas. Both my peers saw that there were times when there could’ve been more of a connection in my writing and where a comma or two could be added. In the future I want to improve on my use of commas and trying to make connection within my writing.
The smell of hot chocolate tiptoed it’s way up the steps and slowly into my room. It wrapped itself around my nose as it pulled me from my sleep. As I woke up all I could think about was that it was Christmas and that thought flooded my five-year-old mind. I jumped out of bed and raced down the steps as if someone was chasing me. The only thing that was chasing me was my excitement. Nothing made me happier than Christmas, the warm clothes, the sweet smell of hot chocolate, oh and of course the presents. How could I forget about the presents? That year the only thing I asked Santa for was a Barbie. Everyone in my school had a Barbie so I knew I just had to have one. When I finally got downstairs all I could see was the huge Christmas tree it was covered in the brightest lights you could ever imagine and the ornaments almost looked like they were made specifically for that tree. The one thing that topped it all off was the tree topper. I’ll never forget it, it was the most radiant star I had ever seen. My grandpa always told me that he pulled it straight from the night sky just for our tree and I believed every word he said.
As I stood there gazing at the beautiful tree my mom yelled at me and said
“Girl, if you don’t come here and open these presents before I have to open them for you.” So I rushed over there and she handed me a nice warm cup of hot chocolate and my first present to open. I don’t know what was more exciting ripping the wrapping paper off or trying to figure out what was inside. When I finally opened the gift I noticed that it was a white box and the only thing that comes in a white box is clothes. Oh, how I hated getting clothes as gifts, it was like eating spaghetti for breakfast, it just wasn’t right. I continued to unwrap my presents scavenging for the only thing I wanted, that Barbie. I finally got to my last present by then I was getting a little anxious. I was praying this last present was my Malibu Barbie I rushed to open it and when I saw that Barbie logo I couldn’t believe it. I took the entire wrapping paper off and when I finally saw her face, she was white. My five-year-old mind thought nothing of it but years and years of getting the same white barbie I started to question “Why don’t they look anything like me?”
That same question stuck with me throughout my years of elementary school but my love of Barbies turned into my love of books. Same as Barbies, books gave me a separation from reality, they gave me a new world to look into rather than my own. My favorite genre was fiction it opened my eyes to all the different things people could do. I read about people flying in magic school buses, the adventures that the brother and sister went on in their tree house and one of my all time favorites the stories of Junie B. Jones. I couldn’t help but notice that all the books I read none of the characters were anything like me. Sure, it was fun to read about all these different adventures they went on but I didn’t really have a character I connected with. All the books I did read that had some form of a black person in it were limited to minor characters or books about the civil rights movement. In The Apartheid of Children’s Literature Christopher Meyers emphasizes how people of color are used in literature: “characters of color are limited to the townships of occasional historical books that concern themselves with the legacies of civil rights and slavery but are never given a pass card to traverse the lands of adventure, curiosity, imagination or personal growth” Within in all the fiction novels I read about people traveling through time and helping to save the princess there was never one black character or any person of color for that matter. This, of course, gave me a fixed mindset as a child. I knew there were certain things that children of color couldn’t do. Those things being traveling through time, in a magic school bus and going on adventures in treehouses with their siblings.
This thought transferred itself into my writing as well. As much I loved reading fiction I loved writing it too. Sometimes I found it difficult to try to incorporate myself within my writing. A lot of the things I wanted to talk about I had no idea to, well at least I thought I didn’t. In Write What You Know Heller illustrates how writers shelter themselves without even knowing “— unconsciously censored themselves and thrown out the wheat, mistaking it for nonliterary chaff. In this sense, the reminder to write what you know” Many of the things I tried to write about I believed I had no business writing because I didn’t know anything about it. It wasn’t until high school I actually read books about black people. I finally learned that I don’t have to limit myself or color myself in between the lines. Just because I only read about white people traveling through time fighting dinosaurs doesn’t mean that people of color can’t do the same. Just because I only had white Barbie dolls doesn’t mean the black Barbie wasn’t any prettier. I learned that Literacy doesn’t mean writing about what you know and limiting yourself. It means both writing about what you know and what you don’t know. Extending your knowledge to all regions and opening your mind to the new things in the world.
Heller, Zoe, and Mohsin Hamid. "‘Write What You Know’ — Helpful Advice or Idle Cliché?" The
New York Times. The New York Times, 29 Mar. 2014. Web.
Advanced Essay #1: Balancing the Equation
Introduction: My goals for this essay was to make it as detailed as possible and I wanted it to be really interesting for the reader. I tried my hardest to make sure that it didn’t sound repetitive because that was one of my biggest problems during m process. I’m really proud of the final product and the comparisons I made in piece. I hope you enjoy it and give me some feedback on what I could improve on because of course there is always room to improve.
I’ve waited 4 years and it’s finally here. y heart beat rapidly as the words changed from downloading to play. I immediately rushed my headphones into the headphone jack and pressed play. The music was blasting. It was the only thing I heard and it was like coming up and taking a breath of fresh air. The first song was entitled Nikes like the sneaker company. The first beat dropped and I felt my body jolt with the music. As I looked up from my phone I saw the abstract painting in my living room. The shapes intertwine, making a beautiful melody. Seeing that gave this song a visual. I saw the complexity of the entire thing. The complexity of the 17 beautifully written songs. The 7th track enchanted my mind as it wrapped itself around my inner soul. It brought out how I felt about myself. It opened my mind to the sheltered soul who doesn’t like to let anyone in because they’re too afraid of being hurt.
I listened to the rhythmic melodies. “I came to visit cause you see me like a UFO. That’s like never, cause I made you use your self control” Thinking they were empty, little did I know they were about me. My fear of letting someone in started at the tender age of 3. I didn’t know my left from my right or how to tie my shoes but I knew what love was. The cozy yet comforting feeling of being loved by someone. It was like falling but knowing you were always going to be caught. I felt that feeling with my dad. I knew him all but 3 little years but our bond was like no other. I clung onto his leg as if it was the last thing I was ever going to hold. But on October 31st he was taken away from me. The news struck me like a bolt of lightning. I felt my body start to run out of water and my throat felt as if someone was clawing its way to the top. My fear of abandonment began there. When meeting new people I always carried my shield of armor with me making sure not to let no one enter my inner soul. I couldn’t be torn down again. I built a great wall of protection. It was covered by fake smiles and endless lies. But who could ever know?
My mind was clouded with the idea that nothing is forever. Love had a round trip ticket into my feelings. As soon it entered my mind I kicked it right out. I never wanted to feel the gut wrenching feeling of being lost and losing my control. The great wall of Nadya was guarded by agony and alienation. They made sure that my body never endured their pain and suffering for I would never come back from it. It became so easy not to let anyone in, it was almost like an alarm clock. It ticked for a while but when time was up I could hear my fears clawing and screeching in my mind to let me know that it was time to let them go. I let that become a norm to me because whenever I let someone in and try to feel that warm feeling of being loved my heart always gets ripped from my chest and torn into little pieces. Then I’m stuck trying to piece my heart together and what went wrong? I always come to the conclusion that it was my fault. I knew better. I heard common sense in the back of my mind begging me not to fall but I didn’t listen. I always fell, and I always fell hard. But this time there wasn’t anyone there to catch me and pick me back up, it was just me this time. Everytime I let myself lose my self control I fell the wall getting taller and taller and my mind starts to lose oxygen, start to lose the sense of life and just become another heartless being walking through the pathways of betrayal and hurt. Love always seemed to wander its way back into my life always trying to convince me to let someone love me. I remember when I finally let someone in, I showed them the real me. I poured my soul into every breath I took when I was with them. I got attached, and once I got attached there was no going back and no letting go. I lost myself, and I lost who I was. It felt like I could finally breathe. The feeling of being loved filled my whole body with warmth. Everything was great but then they decided that I just wasn’t enough. I remember staring at the crisp white screen as it went from those three little grey dots to “I’m not cheating on you, but I can’t promise you that I’m not going to.” It turned my insides out, I felt my heart drop to my feet. I thought to myself “not again.” I felt the tears race down my red cheek as I sobbed into my pillow making sure no one could hear my hurt. My pillow was full of broken hearts and broken promises disguised as wet stains from my tears. But I knew those stains all too well to believe they were just tears.
I seem to always lose who I am in the midst of losing my control. When I let my wall down I lose who I am. I’ve always kept my feelings and when they are finally brought to light it’s never enough and I always lose the person I love and myself. I keep my feelings locked away in a tower and they sometimes try to peek out but I always make sure that they are never to leave. It almost feels like I’m trying to balance an equation. Trying to balance an equation of my life.
Entrevista para la partera // Marisol Negron
La República Dominicana
It's finally over
The overall You and the World project was a great and new experience for me. I never have done a project like this before and as a whole it was semi-fun. At times the project became very stressful it felt like a mini-capstone but instead of a whole year we had one quarter. Considering that we had so little time I think I did an okay job on this project and there are many thing I could have done better, of course. But I am proud of myself and all the hard work,sweat, and tears I put into this project.
The Research part of this project was maybe one of my favorites. I found so many disgusting facts it was appalling. But I wish I could have dug a little deeper into other fast food restaurants. I mean I found out some stuff about Chic-fil-a chicken sandwiches but I wish I could’ve dug a little deeper into that. I also wish I could have really gotten into what is in Chipotle’s food. It looks like an okay place to eat but I really would like to know if it is for real. But that might have to be some individual research I’ll have to do and I’m fine with that.
The Original Research aspect of this project I wasn’t really a fan of. My results for my survey came out horribly. I think I should’ve asked better more centered questions that no one knows about. My blog post was terrible too because I think I could’ve did so much better I forgot the little/BIG things and it really frustrated me because I know I could’ve done better than what I did. But if there was a next time I would do something completely different for my Original research. I don’t know what but something better than what I did.
My agent of Change I am kind of iffy about. With the topic I chose for my project it was kind of hard to pick what I wanted to do for my Agent of Change because what can I actually change? No matter how many disgusting facts you tell people about what they are eating they might get disgusted but they are still going to eat it. I just wish for my Agent of change that I could’ve did something that made a bigger impact on people. Something that would have made them stop and really think about what they are eating. But I think I did an okay job on my Agent of change but like I always say I am my biggest critic so I’ll never think anything is good enough.
All in all I think my project went okay. I’m happy it is finally over. This project was one of the most stressful projects I ever had in my life. But I’m happy i stuck through it. Throughout all the pain and tears I think I had a successful project and I am semi-proud of myself.
Honey, I’ve found out what it’s in my Happy Meal!
As you may or may not know for my You and the World project I decided to bring awareness to what is in Fast food. In my first blog post I explored the ins and the outs of different fast food restaurants researching what’s actually in their food rather than what they tell us and what we believe is in our food. What fueled my project is I feel that people don’t know what is in their food when they eat from fast food restaurants. What I wanted to do with my project is bring awareness to what’s in their food and hopefully stop people from eating so much of it. In my Original Research I decided to do a survey to show that people don’t know what’s in their food. In didn’t turn out as well as I thought it was but it did prove that some people don’t know what they are eating and it’s sad. What I hope to do with my agent of change is hopefully change this and help my generation out.
For my agent of change I decided to bring my project to the SLA hallways and social media. For the first step of my agent of change I made a twitter account for my project. Social media has been such a key component in this generation’s lives and I thought what not a better way to bring awareness to my issue than social media. I came with a hashtag for people who followed the page and were really passionate about it and wanted to join the movement. Here’s a snapshot of the twitter page.
Although there’s not that much of a following now it’s a gradual thing and hopefully soon there will be a huge following and everyone will be hashtagging #ChickensDontHaveNuggets in no time. But I didn’t just stop with the twitter account, Step two of my project was bringing it to the SLA hallways. I decided to show a picture of a 12 year old McDonald’s Hamburger. You would think after 12 years there would be some type of mold but there wasn’t a spot. The burger looked exactly the same. What I put on the posters around school is that picture and the twitter page for my awareness campaign. Here’s what the poster looks like below.
What I hoped to accomplish with this is having students all around SLA looking at my poster and feeling disgusted but educated. Not much has changed now because it is only the beginning but even now I hear from some of my peers that they have taken a strike on eating certain fast foods because of my blog post and the information that I provided. Just hearing that makes me want to make this more than just a English project.
Throughout this whole project I’ve had mixed feelings about it because even though it is a great topic for this project there isn’t much you can change about it because some people aren’t willing to change. No matter how many disgusting facts you tell them they’re still gonna eat the food. But I’m still willing to fight for the cause. I feel like this project there are countless things I could do better because with this kind of topic there really isn’t a wrong way to go for me. But if I had to do something better or change something it would be my Agent of Change. Although it was a great idea and it turned out great I just wish I did something that could’ve make a bigger impact but I’m my biggest critic so who knows. But all in all I’m happy with my project and how it turned out. Maybe now some people know what’s in their happy meals.
Have you found out what's in your Happy Meal yet?
Do you ever stop and look at the nutrition facts before you take a bite of your juicy McDouble? On McDonald's own website they tell you as much as they want to asin what’s in the McDouble. In the bread alone there are many different chemicals and preservatives that are harmful to human health. They claim that their patties are 100% beef and I highly doubt that. I again ask do you ever stop and take a look at the nutrition facts before you take a bite of your food. 9 times out of 10 you don’t and that is exactly what my project is about. We as humans never stop and think about what is actually in the food we eat from fast food restaurants. What I hope and want my project to accomplish is bringing awareness to what really is in fast food. I became interested in this topic because my brother is 30 pounds overweight for his age and I am 100% sure it is because of fast food. I want to bring awareness to kids like him and all of America really because none of us and look to see what we are eating. You can get a lot more information on my topic in my first blog post."4% of the Meat in a Mcdouble Is Real Beef,What's the Other 96%?" Our Food. Your Questions. McDonald's, n.d. Web. 11 May 2015. <>. ( Challenges McDonald’s claim to 100% beef)
Since my first blog post I have explored my other 2 fast food restaurants that I wanted to dig deeper into Chipotle and Chic-fil-A . One that particularly surprised me was Chic-Fil-a. Chic-fil-a makes the claim that they’re chicken is real and children in our generation have debated about this and it has become this big epidemic rather or not Chic-Fil-a’s chicken is real or not. Well fortunately I found some information on that subject. In a Chic-fil-a chicken sandwich there are 100 ingredients and 18 preservatives. The FDA allows these companies to add these preservatives but there is a limit. However they don’t say anything when companies add different preservatives and put them all together. When I read this article I was appalled to find out what TBHQ does to the human body. TBHQ is found in Mcdonald’s, Wendy’s and now Chic-fil-a products. Too much of this chemical can cause ADHD in children, asthma, allergies and stomach cancer. Not only is TBHQ is in Chic-fil-a’s chicken but in their buns too. Chic-fil-a has become very popular this year and hearing this changes my whole view on Chic-fil-a and their food.
For my original research I decided to do a survey because it best fit my issue because the answers are shocking. It started with the simple question “What is your favorite fast food restaurant?” 50% of the people who took my survey said Chic-fil-a which is understandable because many people believe it to be the healthiest choice when it isn’t. The question that surprised me was the question that asked “How many ingredients are in McDonald’s fries?” What surprised me is that many people picked the highest number for the amount of ingredients in their fries and I thought that maybe they read my first blog post and got the answer but it was pretty cool that many of them got the right answer for that question.
I’m kind of in between whether or not this worked out for my PIC. It did show that some people don’t know what they were eating but they weren’t the answers I was hoping for to really prove my point. Although it didn’t turn out how I wish it could’ve I still had many people who took the survey for me and that was great. I think this topic is very much so alive in the rest of the world and the SLA community and I want to be that person to bring awareness to what we are eating. I’m still wondering about what are some more things I can do to bring awareness to this issue and really make a difference.
What’s in your Happy Meal?
Many Americans have explored the luxurious world of fast food but not many of them know what they are actually eating. On the top 15 fattest Countries in the world the United states is number nine. I believe most people are or becoming obese is because they don’t know what they are eating. I would now like to introduce you to my project. My project is based upon fast food industries, what I am doing is bringing awareness to what is actually in the food that we are eating. Yes, they might tell you the calories in their food but they don’t tell you what’s actually in their food. That is what my project is for to raise awareness and hopefully make a change in people’s diets. I’m interested in this topic because my little brother eats McDonalds, Wendy’s, Popeyes, etc. and he is 30 pounds overweight for his change and I don’t only want to show him what he’s doing to his body but my mom as well because she feeds it to him. Showing them Data and all the things I researched will hopefully change my brother’s eating habits.
"Average Height to Weight Chart- Babies to Teenagers." Disabled World. Disabled World. Web. <>.
My project is very significant to the World because no one ever stops to take a look and see what they are actually eating and I think it’s about time we should. McDonald’s is one of the most famous and largest fast food restaurants in the world. There was a documentary called Super Size Me directed by Morgan Spurlock. It brought awareness to what McDonald’s food does to your body. Yeah sure people laid off McDonald’s after seeing the documentary but of course Most people went back to their regular diet. With my project I want to dig deeper into the fast food industries food. Not only McDonald’s but Wendy’s, Chic-Fil-A and Chipotle. I picked these other 3 because they seem to be the most prominent fast food joints now and I would like to research more on where where all of their food supply comes from.
I first researched the World’s favorite side order, French Fries and what I found is horrifying. I first researched McDonald’s French fries and rather having the usual three ingredients Mcdonald’s had 17. I found this great website that tells you all 17 ingredients and how hazardous they are to human health. One in particular that I found very disturbing is the sodium acid pyrophosphate which is used for the color in the fries. It makes you think well what is the actual color of the fry? This is not only McDonald’s fries either, it’s Wendy’s too. Wendy’s has made a claim that their new and improved fries are natural, well that’s a lie. They first get a dip of sodium acid pyrophosphate then they are powdered with a little more natural D-glucose. So this proves that Wendy’s is a little less natural than they make it seem and this website gives you a lot more information on Wendy’s fries. Vaughan, Mark. "We Did the Fast Food Burgers,now We Need to Do the Fries." You Are Not a Fit Person. 26 May 2010. Web. <>.
It is important for everyone to know about this because I bet you are reading this now and wondering what is in the food you are eating now. I bet you are questioning everything you eat and order from fast food restaurants. Have you ever questioned what is in the chicken nugget and what makes it a nugget. Well these doctors in this article questioned the same thing and they did a whole experiment on it. They dissected two different chicken nuggets from two unknown places. When they looked at the chicken nuggets under the Microscope they found blood vessels, fat, skeletal muscles, cartilage, organ tissue, bone fragments and many more disturbing things. So if you have to ask why this is important to you, read that. It’ll change your mind.
Hamblin, James. "Look Inside a Chicken Nugget." The Atlantic. Atlantic Media Company, 21 Oct. 2013. Web. 24 Apr. 2015. <>.
Going through the process of my project I am wondering about many more things that I haven’t researched yet. For one where does all of the beef come from that is in the burgers? Also questions like where does Chic-Fil-A’s chicken come from since it claims to be real and I also want to dig a little more into Chipotle and see what they’re hiding. Moving forward with this project I am sure that I will answer all of the many questions I have. Not only will I do that but I will accomplish my goal with this project which is raising awareness. At least 2.8 million people in the world die each year as a result of being overweight or obese. I want to stop this and I am hoping my project will atleast help with this problem.
Equipo Sarcasticos
Nadya, Jamie, Avery
Somos Los Sarcásticos. Asistimos a Science Leadership Academy. SLA es una escuela basado de proyectos, en el centro de Filadelfia. Está en 22 calle y Arch. Está cerca de una estación de tren. El edificio tiene cinco pisos pero el cuarto piso es prohibido. Nos gusta SLA porque tenemos muchos amigos aquí. En SLA trabajamos duro, tomamos apuntes, prestamos mucha atención, y hacemos toda la tarea. La escuela tiene acerca de 500 estudiantes y 20 profesores. Tenemos desayuno y almuerzo gratis, expendedor automático, sudaderas oficiales de la escuela, y mucho mucho más. Tenemos un equipo de Ultimate Frisbee, Basketball, Campo y Pista, Voleibol, Fútbol, Debate, y Robótica. Tenemos también el club de música, ¨comunidad participación club¨, poesía club, club de cantar, y club de bailar. Participamos en Ultimate Frisbee porque es divertido y ejercicio bueno.
Algunos cursos son bioquímica, inglés, matemáticas, historia, arte, y tecnología. Nuestros cursos favoritos son inglés y español. Estas clases son divertida y desafiante. Necesitamos unas plumas, una computadora, y nuestras revistas para inglés. Necesitamos una carpeta, un aglutinante, un lápiz, y computadora para español. Para tener éxito en esta clases tenemos que estudiar y foco en clases.
Nuestros profesores en Science Leadership Academy son inteligentes y comprehensivos. Tenemos muchos profesores. Tenemos una profesora en la clase de español. Su nombre es Señorita Manuel. La Señorita Giknis enseña inglés. La Señorita Giknis es muy divertida y loca. El Señor Todd enseña historia. Su clase es tremendamente divertida, dependiendo del dia. En la clase de inglés leemos novelas. También escribimos muchos ensayos. Los Profesores en Science Leadership Academy son comicos. Nuestros compañeros de clase son diversos. Todos en Science Leadership Academy son muy fabulosos.
SLA tiene un otro campus. Se llama ¨Beeber¨. SLA es una escuela buena. El ambiente de trabajo es mucho único. En SLA podemos ser espíritu libre. Los estudiantes son diversos porque es un ambiente fabuloso. Lo que más nos gusta de SLA son los profesores y las clases. SLA siempre es divertida. A veces SLA es dificil. SLA nunca es aburrida. ¡Science Leadership Academy es la mejor!Macbeth's Internal Conflict
Media Fluency #2
Net Neutrality and Teens // Nadya Negron
Net Neutrality
What is Net neutrality? Net neutrality is that Internet Service Providers and the government have to treat all Data on the internet equally. Not discriminating because of the user, website, application, etc. Net neutrality protects us from ISP’s treating traffic differently. Without Net neutrality you can forget about youtube,netflix anything online you can forget about it. If the ISP’s get control of that you won’t be able to do anything like that.
I think it’s important for teens to know about Net neutrality because in the future in can be in jeopardy and since we know about it we can do something about it. Right now Net neutrality is in danger and I think it’s because not many people know about it so they don’t care. Us teens are the new generation we can fight this. WE can make a difference just by having this knowledge and sharing it with the world how important it is. I don’t people understand without Net neutrality the internet would be a completely different place.
I also think it’s important for teens to know about net neutrality because our generation lives off of the internet. All most teens know is that the internet works fast. They don’t know why the internet works fast or what some people have to do to fight for our internet rights. Soon they will want to know when the internet isn’t working fast anymore. But we don’t have that type of time. So that’s why I think it’s very important for teens to know about Net neutrality and what it does for us.
Nadya's Proyecto
Intro: ¡Hola! Te presento a los seres queridos en mi vida.
Yo: ¡Hola! Mi nombre es Nadya, pero mi apoda es Nah. Soy de Filadelfia. Tengo quince años, mi cumpleaños es el cinco de noviembre. Mi comida favorita es pollo frito y pernil. Mis programas favoritos son Teen Wolf. Me encanta bailar es por eso que me gusta dormir.
ella: Te presento a Aubrey. Me da risa, Ella es loca. Le gusta comer. Ella es muy
bonita. Ella es mi prima.
el: El es Rahkim Mayers pero su apodo es A$AP Rocky. Es mi alma gemela. ¡Es un broma! Es el fabuloso. Me da risa mucho. Me encanta mucho.
ellas: Interview
¿Como te llamas?
Ramon: Mi nombre es Ramon
Namia: Mi nombre es Namia
Ellos nombres son Namia y Ramon\
¿De donde eres?
Namia: Soy de Filadelfia
Mone: Yo tambien
Ellos son de Filadelfia
¿Que te gusta hacer?
Namia: Me gusta jugar futbol
Mone: Yo tambien
Les gusta jugar futbol
Ellos son mis primos
Nosotros: ¡Nosotros!
Te presento a Emily, Janeesa, Devi y Yo.
Emily es mi tía. Ella le gusta ir de compras y cantar. Janeesa y Devi son mis primas. Janeesa le gusta para rato con los amigos y Teen Wolf. Devi le gusta bailar y Barney & Friends. Nos Encanta comer mucho y ir al cine.
Conclusión: Gracias por tu atención, Vale tengo que bailar práctica.
Media Fluency 2.0 //Nadya
Media Fluency//Negron
The reason I made my slide look this way is because simplicity is key. Although my slide is very simple it makes a statement. I will first explain to you the picture. I made the picture huge because humans are visual beings as said on Presentation zen vision trumps all the other senses. I didn’t want my slide to only be a visual aid I wanted to make a statement that will be left in someone’s mind. I made the font size on my quote as huge as possible to catch someone’s eye. Although my text is huge I contrasted one part of the text to make it bigger than the rest. Kerning was definitely a difficulty since I used such a big font but since I used few words it all worked out.
What inspired me most was this website I found that’s listed in my sources below. It’s a ted blog and what stuck out was one thing that it said which was find pictures with meaning. The picture I chose has meaning to it. The picture is so strong and it will catch someone’s eye. The rule of the thirds is also another thing that inspired me because I have a lot of empty space in my design and I feel as though that either attracts the person to the text or the picture or even both. Empty space gets your slide noticed and remembered.
Nadya Negron
Hola mi nombre es Nadya,Vivo en Filadelfia.
Tengo quince anos.
Soy muy baja,simpatica,guapa y boba.
Me gusta mucho bailar. Odio ayudar en casa.
Me encanta comer.
Me gusta mucho Teen wolf.