Immigration Visualization Project

Here is the project. 

  • What surprised you most about this information?

That fact that even though there was so much stuff going on many people were still coming to the U.S. even with the fact that there were race wars going on.

  • What seemed quite obvious about explaining this data set?

That fact that when the depression started less and less people were coming to America seemed quite obvious because people want to go somewhere where they can make money and better their lives.

  • Looking at the overall trend and incorporating what you know about the US presently, predict and defend the immigration trend for the next two decades.

I feel as though over the next two decades immigration will go up. With the changes to be made by President Obama's next term (hopefully) with the new rights for all more people should want to come to America so that they can express themselves and their love. Plus we are starting to be an on upturn for the economy so that should pull people in as well.

  • Describe how you made a decision on how to visually represent the information.

We picked images that would be bright and draw you. We wanted something that would show the main point of those decades but could stand on its own if it had to to tell a story.

  • What parts of group work were challenging?

Really nothing was challenging with my group. We worked really well together and gathered a lot of good information so there was nothing really challenging or hard.

  • What would you do differently if you had this project to do over?

I think I would find more push and pull factors for places outside of America. So I would find people who came here and where they where from and do the push and pull factors of that place and then compare it to America.
