Immigration Visualization Project

I think overall this was a good project.  When we began to look through history and see what happened it became clear what influenced the immigration rates. A lot of it was due to wars and military action. That was really interesting to me. The challenging part was coming together to create a visualization of our data. I think if we had to do this project over again, we would have used a different program to create our visualization. Although ManyEyes was cool, it was frustrating over 90% of the time. Often we would be stuck reformatting our data and re-entering it into ManyEyes. Because we were so set on using the treemap, we didn't think of trying something else. After we realized that this wasn't working out, we tried a bunch of other formats until Ms. Laufenberg showed us the scatterplot thing. That worked the best so we stuck with it.

​For the full interactive version, click here:
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