IncidentZ(for3.1.11) chpt3sec4

I knew I was going to die, and 10 minutes ago I would have been ok with this, but the presents of others here made me realize that although I lost so much, and I still had that numb feeling, I still had reason to live, I still had something to protect. So as the man tightened his grip I fought with all my might to break free. At this point Ted had the gunman’s Glock 18 and Jacob was pointing the Glock 19 at the big mans head. “put my brother down” Jacob ordered. The man looked un-phased by this, but he looked back at his friend who was on the ground and took a deep sigh. Then the man released me. I fell to the ground and quickly rolled out of his way and bounced back up to my feet. I was ready to fight. The large man looked at me and then back at his friend. He walked over to his friend and picked him up, checked his pulse and then he sat him up. He looked down at his unconscious friend who was bleeding and drooling out the mouth looked down and shook his head. Then he sat next to his friend and put his hands on his face as though he had a headache. No one said anything. Julia and Ted were hugging each other, and Eve ran up to hug me, dan I could tell wanted to but his male pride stopped him from doing this. He was becoming like Jacob I thought.  Most of the other people were ether staring at me or glaring at the large man. 

            Eventually everyone slowly trickled into other parts of the store, the main door was now closed once again. Everyone kept their distance from the visitors. No one trusted them, a lot of them wanted me to go up to them and talk to them, but I was still feeling down. I was out of my space, and I was eating again, but I wasn’t back to normal, no I was far from it.

            I spent the next few days eating cold soup from cans in the store, people never asked why. We set up an entertainment section and I spent a lot of my time in there, playing violent video games.  It was somewhat ironic how I was the only one who still played the zombie games. No one was even remotely interested in those anymore

            we did not get into the habit of keeping track of dates and time, because none of that really mattered anymore. That’s why I was surprised when I looked at my phones calendar to see that it was almost December.

            Its odd but its also kind of interesting, if it was not for the deaths, this life would have been considered better then our old ones. No school, free access to a warehouse full of goods. It was paradise in hell. 

            “yo smitty” john came up behind me and cut into my thoughts, “that big guy and his friend asked to see our leader, and Im assuming that’s you?” I laughed

            “sure, someone has to do it” john smiled

            “its good to have you back man, me and ted set up a parkour area were we can practice, you should check it out. Remember its good for the soul” I laughed again. Parkour sounded good right now. I got up and started walking to meet the guys then I stopped and looked back.



            “watch my back when I go to talk to these guys, and if I ever die, then I want you and Chris to take over, don’t let our friends die anymore”

            “don’t talk like that man, things will get better”  I smiled and thought to myself, one would hope.

            When I arrived to meet the visitors they were both standing waiting for me, the guy who I shot down with the marbles was still messed up but he was smiling

            “hey man, nice shooting, im sorry we invaded like this, I supposed we owe you an apology” he put out his hand and I reluctantly took it. “we usually can’t trust anyone in this hell, but I guess surviving in numbers gives us more of a chance, my names gannon, gannon the cannon, my big friend here is fade” the big man waved “we want to offer you an apology, and an early Christmas present. We came expecting to take this place as our own, we have stocks and loads of guns and ammo by the back exit where the trucks back stuff in, your welcome to use it, but id like my glock back, it was my friends gun.” I was so taken back by this I almost fell. Theses guys were actually offering a peace offering? I thought about it

            “I don’t know, like you said its hard to trust it, and you were pointing a gun at my….err my friends sister.”

            “look we understand the conflict that we had, and we understand it will take a while for trust to form, but for now, I mean you guys outnumber us anyway. And im sorry I wont hurt your girl, iv lost mine so I know what its like”

            “she aint my…oh whatever…thanks I guess…ill tell everyone”
