Internet Safety - Amelia Benamara

What TV show did you watch in class?
These past Tech classes we spent the majority of the time watching "Growing Up Online" which is a program. 

What was this show about?
The show is mainly about how kids in this generation take the network out of proportion. Teenagers in this series make mistakes online and come to talk about it. Parents share their feelings about their children and what should be happening instead. 

What is the most memorable thing to you about this show?
The most memorable scene was when Evan Skinner's son took a trip to New York with many other students and made really bad decisions such as drinking and recording everything. Evan Skinner's ends up finding out and did what she thought was best. She sent an email to all of the other kids' parents informing them about the event that took place.

Why/Why not -  is it important to watch shows like these?
It is important to watch shows like this because it is just like the news, but it's more for a certain group of people. Parents need to stay updated and get advice on what to do to improve their kid's lives. Perhaps make some changes within the house holds regarding the internet. 

How will you keep your future family safe online?
In the future, the problem with teenagers will probably get worse because of the more advanced technology, and a way I can keep my family safe would include having a strict policy with using the technology a certain way and on a certain time. Household rules are always the key! Also, I would talk to them and ask them about any problems and what is going in their lives right now, just to keep track and connect with my children. 

Why is it important to talk with your family about internet safety? 
It is important because without talking to everyone in the household, especially children, you will not get them to tell you any challenges or problems they are facing, which means you also will not be able to find any solutions and help them with a situation. Then, they will look for ways to "solve" their problems online and get stuck. 

What advice would you give to parents that don't know how to keep their children safe online?
    They should start talking to them about their daily life and what is going on in it. The more you are informed the more time they will spend to make things better and help their children before somethings ends up going wrong. 
