Interview Questions!

Today I had the honor of interviewing a lovely women who had just cast her ballot at J. Hampton Moore Middle school. She was nice enough to stop and answer a couple questions.

Q: What motivated you to come out and vote today?
A: Because I want to have my voice heard.

Q: Do you vote in every election?
A: Yes

Q: Do you know why we vote on Tuesday?
A: No, I don't know the reason but I know we vote after the first Monday in November.

Q: Where have you encountered the highest amount of ad campaigning?
A: Television, radio and newspaper

Q: What was the most memorable campaign ad that you have encountered?
A: Sarah Palin's ad because in the ad it was clear she was making false statements

Q: Are you always sure of who you are who you are going to vote for when you walk into the booth or are you still deliberating?
A: I was firm with my decision before I walked in

Q: What changed do you hope to see in Philadelphia as a result of this election?
A: Better school system

Q: What impact do you feel that your vote will have on the election?
A: Democrats win and the governor, congressman of my choice.

Q: Did you learn about voting in school? If yes, did that impact your willingness to vote today?
Yes it did.
