Rumman Haq Public Feed
A day in the life
La tarea
Hugo Chávez es un hombre inteligente. Estoy de acuerdo con muchas de las cosas que dijo. Él es muy honesto. Creo que el Presidente Bush lo llamó un dictador, porque no estaba de acuerdo con sistema. Estoy de acuerdo con él acerca de noticias de Fox y que la guerra de Irak no tiene sentido. Fox News es muy conservadora y no estoy de acuerdo con ellos políticamente.
2) Si fueras Venezolan@, ¿votarías por él? Explica tu respuesta.
Yo votaría por Chávez porque el pueblo venezolano eligieron ocho veces. Él claramente está haciendo un buen trabajo. De las entrevistas que vi, me gustó que era muy simple y sus objetivos son ayudar a muchos de los países pobres.
El maltrato infantil PSA
Collapsing Knowledge
Haiti and Chile in 2010 were both hit by severe Earthquakes that caused a lot of damage to the nations. Haiti being a small and poverty-stricken nation suffered the bigger devastation while Chile is a developed country and were able to handle the situation a lot better. The 2010 Chile Earthquake was one of the strongest that has ever hit the universe but Haiti suffered way more. Chile has a lot of friendly trade deals where they are importing products and crops such as wine and copper with nations such as Malaysia and the United States. Haiti however, being the poorly developed nation mostly receives imports and they need all the help they can get before the Earthquake even hit. Haiti and Chile are both countries that are suffering from climate change and environmental disasters but the societal response in Chile is a lot more stable. Chile having a stable government while Haiti being one of the most corrupt in the world.
The five point framework at times was easy but for some of them, it was really hard. I had a lot of trouble finding information about the Hostile Neighbors and Friendly Trade Partners but doing research about the Environmental levels was a lot easier to work around. It was hard to figure out how the trade deals worked with the countries because Haiti is so poor that there was only information about how disastrous there nation was. Chile, it was difficult to find information about the hostile neighbors and I was only able to find information about their history. If I were to change one thing about my product, I would think of a more creative way to present the information. I thought long and hard about an interesting and unique way to present but ended up doing a regular presentation.
This project was easy to understand but a lot of work to complete. It took me a long time to do my research and cite my sources because I got my information from so many different places. However, I learned a lot about the corruption of Haiti's government which I was not aware of and Chile's hostility with Peru. I also learned that Chile is one of the fasted growing economies right now so they have to be careful about their use of energy and money so it does not destroy their country or environment. For this project, I felt like we needed more time because I used all my time productively but in order for me to do the project thoroughly, i think it would have been more calm and successful if we were given more time.
5 Photo Story
Español 4
llamo Pedro Machuca. Mi familia es parte de la clase obrera. Cuando
yo era niño, yo no podía ir a la escuela porque en nuestro país no hay
igualdad. Cuando el Presidente Allende fue elegido, fui a una buena escuela.
Hay mucha violencia en Chile y espero que todo el mundo tendrán la oportunidad
de igualdad. La gente de clase alta son muy significa para gente como yo. Soy
un chico joven y estoy trabajando siempre. La vida es muy difícil para mi
familia. La clase alta tiene que ser amigo de la clase obrera o en Chile será
siempre una nación luchando.
Esta pintura es muy significativa. El hombre en la pintura está orando. El nombre de la pintura es St. Dominc en oración. Orando da esperanza. Él es muy religioso y yo veces rezo. Los colores de la pintura son perfectos. No son brillantes. La pintura tiene un mensaje significativo mucho y la emoción. Los colores son muy oscuros. Creo que la pintura de El Greco forma una experiencia personal. Él era religioso, porque pintó un santo. Esta pintura ha sido destinado a ser oscuro. Hay nubes en la parte de atrás son muy oscuros. El tono de la pintura es muy serio. A veces orar por mi familia a ser rico. Ruego que me siento enojada y triste de una vida mejor en Chile.
Puedo relacionarme con esta imagen. Esta pintura me recuerda el momento que la clase alta tenía la manifestación contra de mi gente y mi amigo fue tratado mal por ser pobres. Cuando llegué a casa estaba tan enojada. En lugar de estar enojado, oré. A veces estoy tan enojada, pero cuando el presidente Allende fue elegido. Sentí que mis oraciones se hicieron realidad. En la pintura las nubes en la pintura, Creo que las nubes representa una tiempo oscuro. El hombre es muy serió, así que creo que simboliza la tristeza y la enojada, porque la pintura no es feliz. El palo tiene la cruz de Cristo en él y creo que representa que es un santo.
La pintura se llama St. Domico. El hombre de la pintura es el cura El mensaje que trae es el trabajo que a través de un tiempo oscuro, hay que mantener la confianza. Esta pintura es para las personas que creen en dios. Este es mi cuadro favorito. Mi familia y yo siempre voy por un momento muy difícil porque el gobierno de Chile. Tenemos muy pocos recursos. Esta pintura siempre me da la fe. La tensión entre las personas es muy difícil. Esta pintura me dice que orar. Espero un buen presidente puede derrocar a Chile. Tal vez podamos tener igualdad. Un día mis oraciones se harán realidad y poner fin a esta guerra en Chile. Esta es mi patria.
La pintura me ayuda a reer que puede suceder. Me gusta esta pintura. Creo que El Greco puesto mucho de pensamiento y el significado en la pintura. Estoy de acuerdo en que cuando usted está pasando por una época oscura en tu vida, ayuda orando.
La Fiesta
Mi cuento
For this project, finding the legislative laws was easy because I was more informed about the branch and their laws. However, once I reached the executive branch, I was a bit confused on what exactly would fully apply. Once I understood, I sped through the offices because it was something I felt strongly about.
In my opinion, finding Judicial Court cases that I was negatively impacted by was hard because when I was doing my research, I kept finding court cases that have positively shaped American History. This project started off extremely difficult because I was slightly confused but once I understood and got into rhythm, it was very easy.
I think that this project helped me learn how I am affected by the governments decisions because after I was finished, I was thinking about so many things about the executive branch that my family has been affected by and I think I will take note of that from now on. I learned a lot about the government from this project and I think that this project is going to make me do continuous amount of research.
Final Blog Post
According to a study publish by Pediatrics observed the trends in purchases made by school students at urban corner stores contributes to the energy intake among urban school students. Seeing that Philadelphia is a major city, this study certainly should alarm our community. Urban corner stores consist of high-profit that are mostly low-nutritious foods. Within a 4-block radius there are bound to be multiple corner stores in addition to food stands that are commonly found in the city. The study claims that on average students who participated in the study purchase about 350 calories, visit corner stores two times a day, 5 days a week meaning they are taking in about a pound more of calories than what is consisted to be healthy.
The Food Trust organization created the Healthy Corner Store Initiative to increase the availability of fresh foods and to promote healthy snacking. For example, they encourage corner stores to sell more fruits rather than packaged snacks. Even more, the Snackin’ Fresh youth leadership program, that’s active in 5 north Philadelphia communities, educates about eating healthy.
Bureaucracy Reflection
For our bureaucratic task, we chose to apply for Welfare. Getting Welfare benefits is for families who how have no house income or low income where they are given food stamps, health insurance or regular cash. The process to apply for welfare is not difficult but there is an excessive amount of paperwork. The paper work was straightforward, however filling out the income and rent was quite difficult. The reason the system is complicated is because people are taking advantage of the benefits and there is an increasing of fraud. However, the government does not have any money due to the recession, so they have to be careful with where they spend it.
Blog Post #4
This following letter was sent to Bob Brady, Arlen Specter and Bob Casey
My partner and I have been working on our lobbying group that is in support of the Child Nutrition Act 2010. Through out the years, obesity has become a common problem in the United States and it was important that our government took a stand in reducing obesity. It was significant that they included schools in their plan because majority of the children spend most of their time in a educational setting while they also receive school lunches. Our lobbying group has followed the process since the renewal plan has been brought on the table.
As Philadelphia students from Science Leadership Academy, we have experienced many students like ourselves who rely on free lunches in school due to financial difficulties. Since obesity is a common problem throughout our country, we are thankful that you have been able to take action. We ask for your continuous support on the Child Nutrition Act improving the lives of those students who especially rely on school for their daily food. We applaud your effort in helping students build the message about the importance of healthy lunches and that they are able to rely on their schools to help receive a comfortable amount of food daily. If you would like to take any steps in improving the child nutrition act, we stand by your side and will show our full support. Thank you for your effort and concern.
-Rumman Haq & Megan Doe
In the above email we wanted to show them that students like us are aware of the child nutrition act and show how we have been working on it in school. Megan and I wanted to add that they should continue to improve the act but if they stay on the same path, they have our support.
Mar Adentro
Child Nutrition Act
School Lunch Nutrition
Megan Doe and Rumman Haq
We want to ensure that students in Philadelphia have access to healthy foods that will benefit their health and boost their performance in school. In addition to providing nutritious foods to all of the Philadelphia School Districts’ students, we strive to reduce ill diet related diseases and hunger. Currently in Philadelphia, according to City Council, one in three children rely on emergency food programs.Supporters:
The School Breakfast Program, the National School Lunch Program (these are permanently authorized), and School Nutrition Association.
Lunch trucks that purpos ely park near schools and neighbor hood stores that only provide affordable “junk food.”All current Child Nutrition Bills
Joe Sestak, current runner for US senate supported the “Student Breakfast and Education Improvement Act of 2009.” The act was created in effort to provide schools with at least 65% of students eligible for free or reduced lunch. Today in Philadelphia public schools this is still seen.
The Child Nutrition Act has been renewed. In summary:
- Supports Obama's fight in ending child hunger by 2015
- An additional 1 billion dollars for every 10 years of the authorizing legislation
- Applications regarding free or reduced lunch should be done on the computer to reduce "obstacles", "stigmas", and "unnecessary costs to the School District of Philadelphia."
- Reduce obesity and diet related diseases
- Ensure that all children have access to healthy and nutritious foods while protecting the needs of the citizens of Philadelphia
Representative: Congressmen Robert Brady (D)
(District 1)
DC phone: (202) 225-4731
District office:
1907-09 S. Broad Street
Philadelphia, PA 19148
Phone: (215) 389-4627
Fax: (215) 389-4636
Along with other public officials: Chakka Fattah and Allyson Schwartz.
In 2009, Robert Brady along with other Pennsylvania representatives introduced the Paperless Enrollment for School meals Act of 2009. The bill allowed:
1) Allows schools or districts that agree to serve breakfast and lunch free to all students for 5 years to be reimbursed based on socioeconomic data rather than individual student applications.
2) Makes it easier for schools serving high-poverty areas to provide free meals to all children by allowing data-based eligibility. The school or district gets administrative relief in exchange for covering any costs that exceed federal reimbursements.
“Passing the bipartisan child nutrition bill is vital to children and families in Pennsylvania and across the country,” said Senator Casey. “Especially because of the economy, more children depend on these programs so they don’t go hungry. More than one million children participate in the school lunch program in Pennsylvania with nearly 200 million lunches served each year.” according to (Politic PA)
The renewal of bill delayed:
“Congress has already passed two extensions for this bill, delaying renewal of the child nutrition programs for more than a year. Another extension would cause kids to lose out on the strong reforms and $4.5 billion in resources already passed by the Senate. (
House of Representative Bob Brady and our lobbying group have agreed on many political views in the past such as:National Criminal Justice Commission Act of 2010.
Bob Brady was a big supporter of the health care reform earlier this year.However, he may have supported the Nutrition cause in the past, we have yet to find information about his progress of the 2010 Renewal of the Child Nutrition Act.
Congress has put this bill on halt because of the economic crisis according to PA Senator Bob Casey. “We are currently facing the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. The effects of this crisis are far reaching and will impact the Child Nutrition Act reauthorization debate. “
The bill may not be great but at least it is a step into improving student health. However, Bob Brady has been a supporter of child nutrition act, he has yet to speak or support the reauthorizing of the Child Nutrition Act 2010 which is still in the air because of our current economic crisis.
Rep. George Miller (D -- Calif.), the chairman of the House Education and Labor Committee that drafted the House's child nutrition legislation, released a statement commending the Senate for its "important step forward."
During this 2010 election, even though the bill has yet to be reauthorized, candidates have not expressed how the feel about the issue. They tried to put a Food Safety Modernization Act to a vote but the objection of Senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma, who said he opposed considering the measure stating that it was not fully paid for.
We need to show our support for House passage of the $4.5 billion child nutrition bill that passed the Senate earlier this year. If the bill isn't on the president's desk soon, supporters will have to start over in the new Congress.
The reason why the bill is on hold because they want to improve the bill before it is passed however it is preventing those who can’t afford a good lunch. SNA President, Nancy Rice sent a letter to the Honorable George Miller, Chairman of the Education and Labor Committee on Thursday, September 23, 2010, stating the School Nutrition Association’s support for S. 3307, the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act. It is anticipated that the House will likely vote on S. 3307 this week.
They should come to resolution of the act by the end of this month and people should write letters to their local legislation sponsors to pass the bill.
Dream Act 2010
Dream Act 2010
Interview Questions!
Q: What motivated you to come out and vote today?
A: Because I want to have my voice heard.
Q: Do you vote in every election?
A: Yes
Q: Do you know why we vote on Tuesday?
A: No, I don't know the reason but I know we vote after the first Monday in November.
Q: Where have you encountered the highest amount of ad campaigning?
A: Television, radio and newspaper
Q: What was the most memorable campaign ad that you have encountered?
A: Sarah Palin's ad because in the ad it was clear she was making false statements
Q: Are you always sure of who you are who you are going to vote for when you walk into the booth or are you still deliberating?
A: I was firm with my decision before I walked in
Q: What changed do you hope to see in Philadelphia as a result of this election?
A: Better school system
Q: What impact do you feel that your vote will have on the election?
A: Democrats win and the governor, congressman of my choice.
Q: Did you learn about voting in school? If yes, did that impact your willingness to vote today?
Yes it did.