interview with a therapist

In my first blog post, I talked about how suicide is the second leading cause of death in teens and adults. I explained how the problem was that people ignore the problem and don’t like to bring attention to it. After I posted that blog, I did an interview with a therapist that specializes in teens and young adults. In this interview I learned more about what may cause these thoughts, why these thoughts may occur, and also some coping mechanisms and ways you can help people who may be considering suicide. Along with an interview with her, I also interviewed a teen who has tried to commit suicide before. With this interview we talked about the thoughts that may have been going through her head and why she might have felt that way. Both of which have helped confirm my beliefs and research from my first post. I have also found new website sources on suicide awareness to make sure all of my information and facts were on point. My first source includes many different ways that you can make a difference in your own neighborhood.  My next source explains how to help someone who is suicidal. This source also shows facts and myths about suicidal people. In my interview with the therapist, it helped me confirm that teens and adults feel alone in the world and don’t feel like their being heard enough. Also, I was able to understand more about what people could od do cope with thoughts of suicide. I also had an  interview with a teen girl  who has tried to commit suicide before. The interview helped me understand the thought process of the people that this affects. My opinion on this topic has stayed the same which is that suicidal people often feel alone and detached from everyone else and it's a subject that needs to have more recognition instead of ignoring it. I still have some questions on this subject in particular. My first question is why some parents will brush off their kids problems so easily. I have had friends talk about how commiting suicide is selfish and how suicidal kids or kids with depression are selfish. They talk about how kids don’t deserve to have depression or feel that way. My question is why. Why is it that parents and adults will say that a kid can’t feel sad or depressed because there are people who are worse off than them. Even in my two interviews, Especially with the girl, it was mentioned how easily some people would brush off the problems of their kids feelings. I would like to know the reason some people do this and the thought process. In my agent of change project, I am still uncertain of what I would like to do however, I was thinking about starting a social media campaign about suicide awareness to spread information about depression, suicide, and other mental illnesses. In conclusion, I believe that I, along with many other people, can make a difference in the small steps we take now.
